User Kickoff meeting: ALR Incident Reporting Automation Pilot Monday February 11, 2013
Agenda Introductions Objectives What is a Pilot? Communications Project Timeline Workflow Reporting an Incident New paper form Demonstrate new QuickBase system
Objectives Broad objective: automate Incident Reporting for all ALRs statewide Narrow objective: pilot a small group before going statewide 10 ALR’s: roughly 5% of 220 ALRs statewide Refine & optimize with small group before deploying to the larger group. Administration, user management, operations, training, communications, support Today’s objective: Overview of our pilot collect user info deadline close of business Thurs Feb 14 Review new Incident Report form First look at QuickBase
What do we mean by “pilot” Run through a complete deployment process with a small group Deployment is not just computers Conversion to new processes (from fax/paper incident reports to online) Also, new methods and processes for communications (website), issue reporting, training (webinars) Identify issues (things that don’t work as expected) Not just the computer program, QuickBase Any of the new processes Communicate to Project team Revisit the issue after an improvement (or workaround)
Communications (for the Pilot & beyond) Project Website (no www) Content will include Job Aids, how-to's, announcements, forms, schedule updates Questions, comments, issue reporting, how do I ...? Email, not phone please
Project Timeline Pilot Statewide Item Feb 11 Kickoff, use paper form 1.0 Feb 15 Deadline for feedback on form 1.0 Feb 20 Training Webinar 1: Paper form version 1.1 released QuickBase updated with version 1.1 codes Userids released to users All incident reports submitted via QuickBase (use paper/fax as fallback Feb 25 All non-pilot ALRs use paper form 1.1 for Incident Reporting Feb 27 Training Webinar 2 Mar 4 Training Webinar 3 (if needed) Mid-march (target) Statewide kickoff (webinar) . Date TBD after ELD-CU internal readiness review. If necessary, paper form version 1.2 released, QuickBase updated with version 1.2 codes. 1 week later Training webinars 1, 2. QuickBase Userids released to users who have attended webinar, or reviewed recorded webinars. ongoing Training webinars scheduled as needed Mid-April Implementation complete: after ELD-CU readiness review. All processes are normalized, standardized and routine.
Who are the Users? Technical Requirements Each User must have Anyone who logs into the system to create QuickBase Incident Reports Must have an email address, indicating their name Two (2) or more Reporters per ALR Large facilities may require additional users. For each User, we need Name Email address Phone Title ALR name ALR town Technical Requirements Each User must have Access to basic Windows or a Mac computer (new within the last 3 years) Any web browser Internet connection an email address
Issue Reporting Issue reporting is not the same as Incident Reporting An issue is anything that doesn’t function as expected: E.g. you get a Software “bug”, application does not function properly, a process is unclear, data is lost, IR codes don’t make sense Write it up! Send it via email to ELD-CU Project Team. Need clearly written step-by-step narrative of what happened leading up the issue What were you trying to do? Be specific. Need steps to reproduce, screenshots for technical troubleshooting The name of the user, date and time, ALR name, IR number How to report an Issue Email to Peter, Jim, Duamarius Instructions on website :
Lifecycle of an Incident Report This high-level flow fits Incident Reporting for both the current fax-based process, and the future QuickBase reporting process.
Incident Report Lifecycle with QuickBase automation (1) Create Incident Reports using QuickBase (new) (2) Follow-up RFI may come via fax, phone, or email Not QuickBase no change from today (3) ALRs will supply Follow-up info via fax (no change from today)
New Incident Report form Paper form closely matches QuickBase Strategy for both Pilot & Statewide Deployments ELD-CU releases new Paper Incident Report form to closely match QuickBase data elements ALRs use the new paper form to report incidents using the current fax-based process for a time period before starting with QuickBase After ALRs are trained on QuickBase and receive their userids, it is easier to be successful with QuickBase, since they are already familiar with the new data elements describing reportable incidents Expect minor updates to the form. Version 1.0: used by pilot group (fax-based only) between kickoff and webinar 1 Version 1.1: used by Pilot Group (QuickBase) and Statewide Group (fax-based only) Version 1.2: used by everyone (QuickBase and backup fax-based)
New Incident Report Form – next steps Feb 11: Pilot group Kickoff meeting effective immediately, Pilot Group to use the new paper form (version 1.0) for all incident reports. Use current process (fax, voicemail) but with the most appropriate page out of seven to fit your reportable Incident Please provide feedback (if any) on paper form 1.0 by Friday Feb 15 Feb 20: Pilot Group Training Webinar 1. All pilot users please attend. Webinar instructions on Paper Incident Report form version 1.1 released QuickBase application adjusted if necessary to match IR form version 1.1 QuickBase Userids released. Effective Feb 20 (anticipated), all Pilot-group Incident Reports submitted via QuickBase Fallback: After Webinar 1, if you have difficulty using QuickBase to make a timely Incident Report, your fallback is to use new form version 1.1 for current process (fax, email) Feb 25 (target): All ALRs statewide begin using new paper form version 1.1 for all Incident Reporting (current process via fax, vmail)
Review Paper form 1.0 Identify the reportable Incident Select the most appropriate 1 out of 7 pages Provide Incident Information Checkboxes to code & describe the Incident Checkbox clusters: select one and only one checkbox in any grouping Exception for Outside Parties: check all that apply All fields are required
QuickBase Demo Show login to QuickBase ALR view Security questions Summary screen Point out Individual Irs, Facility Irs Create new individual IR Key data elements: record ID No edits once submitted Create new Facility IR Show save before submit Print Email Receive RFI from ELD-CU Request comes via email, may show QuickBase information Mention but don’t demo: Follow-up information provided by ALR after an ELD-CU RFI *must* be sent via fax