PRESENTED BY: AMY SHANNON Animation: From Cartoons to the User Interface Bay-Wei Chang and David Ungar Animation: from cartoons to the user interface. In Proceedings of the 6th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST '93). ACM, New York, NY, USA,
About the Authors Bay-Wei Chang has worked at Stanford, Palo Alto Research Center, and Google. His most recent publication (2005) related to query-free news searches. David Ungar has worked at UC Berkely, Stanford, Sun Microsystems, and IBM Research. His most recent publication (2014) related to context- oriented programming.
The Problem UI events are startling and confusing to users Difficulty connecting screen states Objects act in unrealistic ways
The Solution
Wile E. Coyote & Road Runner Movie Clip: ysics/Road_Runner_Physics/Movie.html ysics/Road_Runner_Physics/Movie.html (Introduction Video)
Solidity Motion Blur Arrivals & Departures Dissolves
Road Runner Self UI Motion Blur
Exaggeration Movie Clip: ysics/Road_Runner_Physics/Movie.html ysics/Road_Runner_Physics/Movie.html (Log Tunnel Video)
Exaggeration Anticipation Lean back before they start running Follow Through Vibrate after they stop running When objects move on their own in the UI, they follow these same principles
Reinforcement Movie Clip:
Reinforcement Slow In & Out Arcs Follow Through
Why Cartoons? Theatrical Engaging Similar medium Animators have achieved successes of “communication, vibrancy, and illusion”
Why Not Cartoons? Users don’t interact with cartoons UIs are for work, not play
Discussion Questions 1. Which of these animation techniques are still present in modern-day UIs? Which are not? Why were some of these techniques beneficial at that time but not now? 2. Are there modern animation techniques that could be applied to UIs? Or, are there animation techniques that were applied after this paper was written? 3. The authors justify their use of cartoon animation by saying cartoons are theatrical and engaging, and that these qualities are beneficial to a UI. Do you agree? When/how are current UIs "theatrical"?