Laboratory of Excellence User Centric Networking Mediterranean Students Campus SophiaTech Sophia Antipolis January W. Dabbous
Sophia Antipolis Technology park – 1 st European technology park, in terms of constructed professional office and laboratory space – 2400 ha (6000 acres), of which 2/3 are protected green spaces – m² of professional buildings – companies / jobs – 22 % of companies and 43 % of jobs are in the ICT sector – Almost 50% of companies have an R&D activity – 170 companies with foreign capital – 70 nationalities – engineers / researchers / students
ICT Campus Graduate students computer science & Management I3S INRIA Eurecom LEAT Engineering School Undergrad students Telecom & CS
Partners University of Nice Sophia Antipolis and associated research laboratories (I3S UMR 7271, LEAT UMR 7248). The INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Mediterranean research centre. Eurecom and the Sophia Antipolis branch of Telecom Paris Tech and their research laboratories. 120 permanent staff and 200 PhD students
Missions The campus partners have adopted four key missions: Research – Concentrate on specifically identified projects. Transfer Teaching Scientific coordination
The research project: User Centric Networking The user at the centre of the network. There is a need for: – Efficient data access and management – Flexible programming methods both for conventional applications and new services – Increased security and privacy – Transparent Support on heterogeneous infrastructure – Reduced energy requirements
Five research themes Data Centric Networking Distributed and ubiquitous computing Security, privacy Infrastructures: Heterogeneity and Efficiency Energy Efficiency
Data Centric Networking Easy and efficient access to data, High level of trust, privacy and control Better better mobility support. Challenges: – traffic control and resource management, – naming and routing, – and caching strategies.
Distributed and ubiquitous computing New paradigm, innovative applications: – widely accessible networks, – rich personal digital environments, – vast sources of information from which innovative applications are emerging. Need for new, verified distributed programming models and runtime environments coping with: – finely-grained multi-level parallelism, – scalable computation, – and hardware failures.
Security and Privacy Enforce usage control of outsourced data by its owner, as if it were stored locally. Identify threats to users privacy in global communication environment
Infrastructures: Heterogeneity and Efficiency Autonomous systems have the potential to provide the user with new services, but require to: – Develop energy- and spectrum-efficient transmission methods – Design autonomous network "clouds" that gravitate at the edges of the core network – Study the algorithmic foundations of the general context of autonomous computing and communication systems
Energy Efficiency Develop overall strategies to search for the best compromise between : – computing power/transmission quality/network lifetime Energy-aware design of networks Multi-criteria optimization problem
Application domains (1) eHealth: From sensors to homecare services for persons with reduced autonomy Ambition to federate upstream technological research in order to provide global solutions appropriate for their integration into care procedures and buildings. In vitro – in vivo continuum, for the creation, evaluation and use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to serve the autonomy of individuals.
Application domains (2) Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) – Specific wireless communications – Embedded computing technologies – Sensor technologies – Cellular technology Provide comprehensive analysis of solutions likely to be integrated in the near future into vehicles, road infrastructure and into the Internet of the Future
The educational project Reinforce the present Master-2 courses with the different partners (EURECOM Master of Science, International Masters from the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (Ubinet and CompBio), established through contributions from INRIA and CNRS researchers); Integration of these masters courses into the offering of the KIC EIT ICT Labs Masters school. Support Master-1 International program Regular summer school accessible to Masters students and also to on-site or partner PhD students; Integration of this summer school into the program of the KIC EIT ICT Labs. Reinforce the site's attractiveness, starting at the bachelor's degree level, by establishing a career path of excellence, including initiation into research on LABEX themes (from electronics, to the various facets of computer science) in order to attract young people to ICT sciences.
Innovation & Partnership One campus for all actors in the innovation chain, e.g. W3C consortium ( ERCIM ( SATT PACA Corse ( ) SCS (Secure Communication Solution - and PEGASE ( competitiveness cluster, Telecom Valley Association ( Partnership platforms (telecoms and development), PACA-East incubator (
Budget 5.5 Meuros Research (50%) – Master (Ubinet), PhD and post-doc scholarships – Invited researchers Education (25%) Innovation (15%)
Possible entry points M1 program scholarships M2 Ubinet scholarships – See Guillaume’s presentation for both PhD scholarships – Excellency tuple {Advisor + Candidate + Topic} – Deadline is around May 15th – Preferred path : do you Internship in one of the Labex teams at Inria, I3S, Eurecom or Leat – (e.g. through the Inria Internship Program see Chadi’s presentation)
User Centric Networking Mediterranean Students Campus SophiaTech Sophia Antipolis