Viral Vector Core Administrative Options Cincinnati Children’s Research Foundation
How do I use the system? Log in to CORES Billing Select your role Assign lab members to a particular budget number Issue budget number corrections Dispute invoices Pull reports CORES Billing: User Training
How do I use the system? Log in to CORES Billing Select your role Assign lab members to a particular budget number Issue budget number corrections Dispute invoices Pull reports CORES Billing: User Training
Logging in to CORES Billing Log in to CORES Billing using your CCHMC, UC or external* credentials: External users: *log-in credentials will be ed to you when your account is created. If you need to request an account or have trouble logging in, please contact CORES Billing: User Training
CCHMC & External (non-UC) users enter credentials here UC users click here
How do I use the system? Log in to CORES Billing Select your role Assign lab members to a particular budget number Issue budget number corrections Dispute invoices Pull reports CORES Billing: User Training
Selecting your role Proxy to the PI Lab member: Technician Grad student Postdoc CORES Billing: User Training PI
If you need to:Choose the following CORES Billing role: Place an order or reservation from a Shared Facility Principal Investigator, Lab Manager/Assistant, Resource User Monitor order statusPrincipal Investigator, Lab Manager/Assistant, Resource User Grant a “Resource User” (lab member) access to a specific budget number Principal Investigator, Lab Manager/Assistant Budget number correctionsPrincipal Investigator, Lab Manager/Assistant, Business Director Approve/dispute invoiced chargesPrincipal Investigator, Lab Manager/Assistant, Business Director Pull reports on all Shared Facility usagePrincipal Investigator, Lab Manager/Assistant, Business Director Ask a question, or address other issuesPlease contact What role do I choose? CORES Billing: User Training
Log in to CORES Billing CORES Billing: User Training
How do I use the system? Log in to CORES Billing Select your role Assign lab members to a particular budget number Issue budget number corrections Dispute invoices Pull reports CORES Billing: User Training
Maintenance Menu: Resource User CORES Billing: User Training
See current budget number assignments CORES Billing: User Training
Select/Deselect All or set individually CORES Billing: User Training
Customize budget number access for each lab member CORES Billing: User Training
This can be updated and/or monitored by: –Principal Investigator –Lab Manager/Assistant (proxy role) –Business Director of your Division (LMA role) –Research Administration Investigators: if members of your lab use the RFCC, CIC or VVC, please check this in January. –Or send a list to CORES Billing: User Training Assigning budget numbers to your lab members
How do I use the system? Log in to CORES Billing Select your role Assign lab members to a particular budget number Issue budget number corrections Dispute invoices Pull reports CORES Billing: User Training
Entry: Budget Number Correction CORES Billing: User Training
Entry: Budget Number Correction CORES Billing: User Training
How do I use the system? Log in to CORES Billing Select your role Assign lab members to a particular budget number Issue budget number corrections Dispute invoices Pull reports CORES Billing: User Training
How to Dispute Invoices CCHMC customers can dispute directly in CORES (see following slides). External customers: to dispute an order, please contact CORES Billing: User Training
How to Dispute Invoices CCHMC customers can dispute directly in CORES (see following slides). External customers: to dispute an order, please contact CORES Billing: User Training
Invoice Menu: Approve/Dispute Invoices – CCHMC only
CORES Billing: User Training Invoice Menu: Approve/Dispute Invoices – CCHMC only
CORES Billing: User Training
How do I use the system? Log in to CORES Billing Select your role Assign lab members to a particular budget number Issue budget number corrections Dispute invoices Pull reports CORES Billing: User Training
Reporting Features CORES Billing: User Training
Reporting: Invoice Report CORES Billing: User Training
Reporting: Active Budget Numbers CORES Billing: User Training
Reporting: Budget Number Summary CORES Billing: User Training
Reporting: Usage Report -Order Number -Shared Facility -Budget Number -P30 Center CORES Billing: User Training
Reporting: Query Function CORES Billing: User Training
Options available to you in CORES Billing: Log in to CORES Billing Select your role Investigators: assign lab members to a particular budget number Issue budget number corrections Dispute invoices Pull reports CORES Billing: User Training
We are here to help! Please contact us at: Find more information on Centerlink (CCHMC only) at: CORES Billing: User Training