Experimental User Interfaces ME-E4200 Lecture X - Project January 2015
Assessment Overview We’ve given you a background in Experimental UIs, now go build one! In teams 4 (ish) in each Try to get a mix of skills. Don’t need 4 great programmers 2 options Proposal due 1st of March Assessment is by Demo in 7th of May Final Report deadline is on 14th of May
Physical Computing Take a physical object and add interactive computation We will supply Arduino Some basic electronic components You can also access the Aalto Fab Lab in Arabia ( Please check access times and don’t all go at once. Key Criteria Must have interaction (both input and some output to that input) Can do anything else you like, but you need to justify it to us.
VR Environment Create an engaging VR Experience BIT MORE ON THIS FROM Tuukka
Schedule All future lectures are help labs There will be a lecture on Arduino in March if you want. You don’t need to attend but we will give advice For VR groups it will be your only chance to get access to some of the kit we do want to see you at least every other week for a progress update we’ll change this a bit as we see how things go
Next Steps Get a Team together Try to get a diverse set of skills Pick the option your team wants Work on an idea (come and ask us if you can’t) Submit a short report (max 2 pages) by 1st of March by To both Me and Tuukka Team members and s Abstract of your idea (what will you do) What do you need (equipment and resources) A timetable