Access to EUMETSAT Data Silvia Castañer Head of Legal Affairs Division European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
Overview EUMETSAT and its mandate Objectives of the EUMETSAT Data Policy Data Policy Principles Current Data Policy Conditions User Registration and Licensing Data Access and User Management Outlook: EUMETSAT’s Contribution to GMES and GEO
EUMETSAT Objectives The primary objective is to establish, maintain and exploit European systems of operational meteorological satellites. A further objective is to contribute to the operational monitoring of the climate as well as the detection of global climatic changes. Furthermore, environmental issues which drive or are driven by meteorological conditions are considered.
EUMETSAT’s Mission is…. To deliver operational satellite data and products that satisfy the meteorological and climate data requirements of its Member States - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, through decades. This is carried out taking into account the recommendations of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
21 Member States & 9 Cooperating States Austria Belgium Croatia Bulgaria Czech Republic Estonia Denmark Finland France Hungary Iceland Latvia Germany Greece Italy Lithuania Poland Romania Ireland Luxembourg The Netherlands Norway Portugal Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom
EUMETSAT Funding Principles Every Member State contributes in accordance with a scale based on GNI figures. Every Cooperating State contributes 50% of corresponding membership rate. . . . an example of a user community joining resources to maintain an operational infrastructure.
Main Objectives of EUMETSAT’s Data Policy To promote and extend the use of EUMETSAT satellite data; To make a contribution to the global exchange of meteorological data and products, under the auspices of WMO; To establish a balance between Member States and non-Member States; To establish a level playing field between National Meteorological Services (NMSs) and private commercial companies operating in the same field; To establish a monitoring system to allow adequate support to users and protection of the EUMETSAT satellite data; To provide meteorological data and products for scientific and educational use.
EUMETSAT Principles on Data Policy NMSs of EUMETSAT Member States: - Receive all data/products for Official Duty use at no cost. - Are treated like commercial users in their commercial activities. A set of data is free for all users (WMO Resolution 40): six-hourly Meteosat images all Metop data and products all EUMETSAT derived products all archived data and products
EUMETSAT Principles on Data Policy (continued) An additional set of free data is given to all NMSs of all WMO Member States. All data/products are free for certain user categories: - Scientific/educational use Private individuals/amateurs NMSs of less wealthy countries Countries subject to tropical cyclones Disaster monitoring Partner organisations (ECMWF, ESA, WMO, NOAA, …) Other users may need to pay a fee fixed by the EUMETSAT Council. All efforts are undertaken to protect EUMETSAT’s data and products, this includes technical protection (encryption).
Current Data Policy Conditions
User Registration and Licensing A network established to give clear contact points to all users worldwide: NMSs of Member States act as “EUMETSAT Licensing Agents” for real-time users in their countries. Some have delegated part of their duties to EUMETSAT. EUMETSAT is in charge of all licences outside Member States, international organisations, and “delegated activities”. EUMETSAT is also central distributor for all derived products, archived data, software.
User Registration and Licensing Central entry point: EUMETSAT web site, all users register on-line. Most users licensed electronically, through web-based tool. User registration passed to LA where relevant. Each user of real-time data needs decryption key unit (EKU) managed centrally at EUMETSAT.
Data Access and User Management Web-based product navigator. EUMETCast for all near-real time data and products (Meteosat, Metop); principle: one user – one EKU. Web link for access to archived data/products. EUMETSAT EO Portal under development (ready early 2009). Central EUMETSAT User Service Helpdesk for any user query/problem:
Data Access and User Management On line: EUMETSAT Product Navigator Access to archive (25 years) of EUMETSAT and third-parties space data, products and model outputs, incl. SAF catalogues Real-time: EUMETCast Access to EUM and 3rd party satellite data (incl. NOAA) and products, SAF products, 3rd party in-situ and model outputs (forecasting) HB-6, Ku-Band Coverage AB-3, C-Band Coverage NSS 806, C-Band Coverage
Outlook: EUMETSAT’s Contribution to GMES and GEO EUMETSAT’s Data Policy complies with INSPIRE. Short term: EUMETSAT discussing with EC how to make its data available for GMES Core Services. Longer term: EUMETSAT involved in the discussions on GMES Data Policy with EC. EUMETSAT is also actively contributing to the establishment of the GEO Data Sharing Principles.