Remote - DSP Lab for Distance Education Kalantzopoulos Athanasios, Karageorgopoulos Dimitrios Zigouris Evangelos Electronics Laboratory, Electronics & Computer Div., Dept. of Physics, University of Patras, Greece
Remote Laboratories Advantages: Types of Remote laboratories: Higher availability of lab equipment Efficient exploitation of time Sharing of hardware across institutions Relatively low cost Types of Remote laboratories: Sensor Batched Interactive 2
R-DSP Lab A Remote Lab for DSP Systems Design Introduction R-DSP Lab’s Architecture Main Web Server Workstation Security Designed Toolkits based on LabVIEW Remote Laboratory Exercises R-DImPr Lab 3
R-DSP Lab Introduction Is an interactive and user-friendly Remote Laboratory Is focused on DSP Systems Design for Signal Processing Is accessible through a common Web Browser Has carefully designed GUIs in order to provide accurate representation of real instruments 4
R-DSP Lab’s Architecture 5
R-DSP Lab’s Architecture 6
Main Web Server (1/2) Undertakes the reception of the visitors Secures the R-DSP Lab with authorization procedures Redirects the authorized users to the workstations according to a distribution logic Stores statistical information of the use of the R-DSP Lab 7
Main Web Server (2/2) Technologies and tools used for the Main Web Server: Apache Web Server MySQL Database PHP HTML 8
R-DSP Lab’s Architecture 9
Workstation (1/2) Allows the communication between the authorized users and the lab equipment The design and development is determined by: the object of laboratory exercises the lab equipment Can serve up to three users simultaneously 10
Workstation (2/2) R-DSP Lab’s Workstation consists of: A Windows based PC A development platform DSK C6713 by Spectrum Digital based on TMS320C6713 DSP of TI A TDS 1012 Oscilloscope by Tektronix A TG 2000 DDS Function Generator by TTi A USB Webcam 11
Workstation’s Block Diagram 12
Workstation (1/2) In every R-DSP Lab’s Workstation three LabVIEW-based applications run in order to serve up to three users simultaneously. Each application: Allows a single user to control the Workstation remotely through a Web Page Has user-friendly Graphical User Interfaces – GUIs Controls the Function Generator and Oscilloscope 13
Workstation (2/2) In every R-DSP Lab’s Workstation three LabVIEW-based applications run in order to serve up to three users simultaneously. Each application: Controls Code Composer Studio (CCS) v3.1 and DSK C6713 using the LabVIEW to CCS toolkit Connects to MySQL database using the LabVIEW to MySQL toolkit Captures images from a USB Webcam 14
Function Generator’s GUI Real Function Generator R-DSP Lab’s GUIs (1/2) R-DSP Lab’s GUIs were carefully designed in order to provide the most accurate representation of the features and operation of the real instruments: Function Generator’s GUI Real Function Generator 15
R-DSP Lab’s GUIs (2/2) Oscilloscope's GUI Real Oscilloscope 16
Laboratory Exercises Students are asked to design a set of laboratory exercises: FIR digital filters IIR digital filters 512-point FFT Students must: Design and simulate their solution using a scientific software package Write the code that implement their solution in C or Assembly language using the CCS and create the executable file Login to the R-DSP Lab Upload the executable file to the R-DSP Lab Verify the correct function of their solution using an available Workstation 17
R-DSP Lab from User Side (1/4) 18
R-DSP Lab from User Side (2/4) 19
R-DSP Lab from User Side (3/4) 20
R-DSP Lab from User Side (4/4) 21