University of Connecticut Budget DataMart Hyperion Users Group Meeting 1/6/11 W e l c o m e EVERYONE
Welcome to the Inaugural Meeting of the Budget DataMart/Brio Users Group BDM
Welcome to a Celebratory Budget DataMart/Brio User Group Meeting Goodbye FY 04 Hello FY 05 BDM
Welcome to a BIG SIGH! Budget DataMart/Brio User Group Meeting Fall 2004 has arrived and is in full swing BDM
Welcome Budget DataMart/Brio User Group Meeting No Big Chill here 1 year ago, 2/4/04, was our 1 st BDM/Brio Users Group Meeting!
BDM Welcome Budget DataMart/Brio User Group Meeting Warming up for FY06
BDM Welcome Budget DataMart/Brio User Group Meeting 10/21/05
BDM Welcome Budget DataMart/Brio User Group Meeting 3/10/06 BDM/Brio User Group Meeting celebrates 3 rd Birthday!
BDM W e l c o m e EVERYONE Budget DataMart/Brio User Group Meeting 6/23/06
BDM W e l c o m e EVERYONE Budget DataMart/Brio User Group Meeting 12/8/06
W e l c o m e EVERYONE Budget DataMart/Brio User Group Meeting 5/18/07 BDM
W e l c o m e EVERYONE Budget DataMart/Brio User Group Meeting 11/16/07
BDM W e l c o m e EVERYONE Budget DataMart/Brio User Group Meeting 8/1/08
University of Connecticut Budget DataMart Hyperion Users Group Meeting
University of Connecticut Budget DataMart Hyperion Users Group Meeting 1/6/11 W e l c o m e EVERYONE
Culture changes Brio Insight v Hyperion Analyst Brio Quickview v Hyperion Dynamic View Workspace v IR document Plugin v IR web Client Going Paperless Go to homepage for info documentation tips CBT online training Hyperion upgrade New IR web client download BDM Tips Interactive Reporting Web Client Hyperion dialog box IE setting remove prompt for Trusted sites Subscription notices of modifications What do you like/dislike The complaint department Timing out Homepage What do you want to see? Will develop for your needs BDM HCM changes Budget DataMart Hyperion Users Group Meeting April 17,2009
Let’s Talk (Aka: Items for Discussion) Let’s Talk (Aka: Items for Discussion)
07 Oct 2010 – Office of the CIO David Gilbertson Blog We have partnered with Advantage/Oracle to continue our HCM implementation. The next steps will include a review of the newest version of PeopleSoft HCM Version 9.1. We are going to make every effort to minimize changes to the delivered software to decrease complexity and keep costs lower. HCM implementation will take several months.
Thank you EVERYONE