ITA/ISA Monthly Meeting July 18, 2014 Facilitator: Ben Garcia, Director OIT Support Services
Agenda ItemsPresenterTime Allotted OIT Social Media Dalinda Hanna OIT Communications and Customer Relations 15 min Office 365 Update on SharePoint and OneDrive for Business Brent League OIT Data Center Operations 10 min OITConnect Self-Service Portal Ben Garcia OIT Support Services 10 min InSight Updates Lance Pritchard Office of Information Security 10 min NAC (Network Access Control) and Identity Finder Updates Brad Cooper Office of Information Security 15 min Eduroam Wireless Access Neal Pelsor OIT Communication Information Services 10 min Group Policy Change to Improve Print Installation Service Ben Garrison OIT Support Services 10 min General Updates / Open Discussion Ben Garcia OIT Support Services 10 min ITA / ISA Meeting Agenda Attendees: ITA’s, ISA’s and OIT representatives Date and Time: Friday, July 18, :30pm – 4:00pm Location: Main Campus Building Bldg. BB Downtown Campus Frio St. Bldg. FS (Remote Site)
OIT Social Media
Why Social Media? Great way to promote projects Let customers know about our services Keep up to date on interests Keep track of popular posts Instant feedback from customers
What social media do we have? Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube
Facebook OIT focused content updated daily Project promotion Currently at 105 likes If you haven’t already, like us!
Twitter Currently at 705 Followers Tweet daily OIT news Retweet UTSA related content
LinkedIn 44 followers Professional network Updated weekly with available OIT jobs Updated daily with OIT information
YouTube Managed by UTSA Video Production team 140 Subscribers Updated UTSA videos GET IT Video Series
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SharePoint 2013 and OneDrive for Business SharePoint 2013 (My Sites and OneDrive for Business) My Sites were announced in March By default, you are directed to your OneDrive for Business site 1 TB of data storage space per person! Goal is to move as much of the I – drive data as possible to OneDrive for Business. No Category 1 data please! To view your standard My Site, click on the “Newsfeed” menu item.
SharePoint 2013 and OneDrive for Business SharePoint 2013 (Team Sites) All of OIT’s Team Sites have been migrated to the cloud OIT Pilot testing ongoing through July 31, 2014 Migration of all UTSA Team Sites to begin August 4, 2014 There will be required down time (no access) of Team Sites as sites are migrated.
OITConnect Self-Service Portal Introduction of the Service Manager 2012 Self-Service Portal “OITConnect Portal” provides a single resource for University Faculty and Staff to conveniently report IT related service issues, place new and update requests, or view their request history. Goal of the OITConnect Portal is to deliver: Catalog of Services Help Articles My Requests My Activities (future use) Planned production release date: August 1, 2014 : Self-Service Portal
InSight Updates InSight issues due to the DEFINE to PeopleSoft migration.
NAC and Identity Finder Updates NAC (Network Access Control) Implementation Update Identity Finder Application Implementation Update
Eduroam at UTSA W HAT IS EDUROAM ? eduroam (education roaming) is the secure worldwide federated network access service developed for the international research and education community. W HAT DOES IT DO ? For the traveler: eduroam provides per-user, per-session encrypted network access for visitors from participating institutions, without the need to gain guest credentials on arrival to an eduroam enabled location. The connectivity is instantaneous and the infrastructure is authenticated by the user. Study abroad students can join thousands of eduroam hotspots without any hassle or any data roaming charges.
Eduroam at UTSA For the institution: eduroam removes the administrative steps required to provision visitors from other educational institutions. Access between networks from R&E institutions is negotiated once during the federation process and for all members of participating institutions. The eduroam network addresses CALEA requirements for visitors from other schools.
Eduroam at UTSA UTSA is a full participating member in Internet2 and Eduroam Eduroam is fully deployed and tested on the UTSA campus. To utilize Eduroam on the UTSA campus, guests must be from an Institution that is also a member of Eduroam. It is HIGHLY recommended by Eduroam that individuals log into their own institution’s Eduroam SSID Wireless network to ensure all is working correctly before they travel to member institutions. Eduroam does not handle support calls for individual institutions.
Eduroam at UTSA UTSA is a full participating member in Internet2 and Eduroam How do I utilize the Eduroam network? Detailed instructions are available on the Eduroam site For most users they should simply connect to the Eduroam SSID wireless network at member institutions and provide their credentials in the form of their institution address for username for example and then provide their password for their account at their home
Eduroam at UTSA
Frequently Asked Questions:
Eduroam at UTSA
In conclusion If you have questions or just general interest in Eduroam visit It is a very informative site with a current listing of all participating Institutions BEFORE users who wish to utilize Eduroam at a participating institution have them log into the UTSA EDUROAM wireless SSID and ensure that it works properly. If it works here at UTSA it should work at any member institution unless that institution is having issues
Eduroam at UTSA If a user is having issues connecting to Eduroam on the UTSA campus please have them bring the laptop to the OIT Connect Support Services window for assistance. Once they have left UTSA we will not be able to assist them with their configuration issues. We have had UTSA users successfully utilize Eduroam at European Institutions, UT System (UT does not participate in Eduroam), UTHSCSA and numerous other participating institutions. We average about 45 Eduroam guest daily at UTSA and this number is expected to grow.
Improved Printer Self-Service Capabilities Group Policy Change to Improve Print Installation Service Updating group policy that will enable Faculty and Staff users to map printers from UTSAPRINT01 and UTSAPRINT02 whether or not they have administrative rights on their computers Items to note: Change is limited in scope Does not provide access to install any other software or hardware on computers unless user has access rights Dependent on user’s having access rights to a printer Change will not impact any other application or service Planned production release date: August 1, 2014
General Updates Upcoming CrashPlan Pro Enterprise Upgrade July 31, 2014 Next ITA Meeting: Friday, August 8, 2014 Location – BB and FS Time – 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Questions and Answers