P roblem S olving I nnovator Solving Tomorrows Problems Today User Help The help feature is found through out the PSI.This enables the user to gain a better understanding of what input is needed Entering & Editing Data The Help Window
When selecting the ‘?’ button next to the User Help button, a window with general help will appear. Select to EDIT/ ADD or UPDATE Help/ Work Instructions The User Help/Work Instructions is divided into 3 sections: D1 to D3 D4 D5 to D8 Select which section’s help needs editing Users can edit the User Help by clicking the User Help Button. User Help
The user can EDIT or ENTER data accordingly on the User Help Sheet Entering & Editing Data
Help is indicated with the following symbol throughout the software It is usually found next to the Close Date on the Problem Description Header The Help will appear in a Window You can Scroll through the various help options by either selecting previous or next or selecting the relevant topic from the dropdown list. The Help Window ?