Welcome to the PoolManager The pool assistant you’ve been looking for…
Lets take a quick look at some of PoolManager’s design features.
PoolManager Multi User = Teamwork
Permission and Level of access (controlled by Director)
Cool Graphs Notifications Information
Physical Characteristics Maintenance Processeses Management Processes
Select a file from list
The “i” symbol notifies you when information is available about the value entered. Chemistry Log: easy to complete, easy to file Don’t forget to update
Maintenance Log: easy to track routine and preventative maintenance
Daily Log: flexible yet thorough., accurate, and collaborative.
Select Employee Information from the Employee Menu The Employee File Index appears. Select from the list of employees Human Resource Features 1.Track employee information 2.Control Employee’s Access level 3.Keep track of work history 4.Track certifications 5.Emergency contact numbers 6.And more….
Employee Evaluations Merit & Discipline Employee Orientations
Reduce the hours spent scheduling employees - save time and money. General Pool Schedule Employee Personal Schedule Staff Scheduling A Three Tier Scheduling System Select a day Select a time period Pick a general schedule Scheduling staff: as simple as clicking this button
Available staff members appear in this Pop-up. Schedule Paul with a single check mark No need to track hours. PoolManager saves you the time. You can review schedules of employees (not shown)
Would you like to work more efficiently? More effectively? Contact Us and tell us of your interest.