Unit 3 Daily Verbal Communication (II)
2 Objectives Learn the social functions of compliments and compliments and compliment responses Learn the differences between Chinese and English compliments Learn expressions of gratitude and apology in English and Chinese
3 CONTENTS I. Warm-up cases II. Detailed Study: ★ Compliments and compliment responses ★ Social functions of compliments ★ Differences between Chinese and English compliments ★ Common response formulas of English and Chinese compliments ★ Expressions of gratitude and apology in English and Chinese III. Case Study IV. Summary V. Assignments
4 Case 1. An Invitation to Dinner I. Warm-up cases Question : If you were the director and chosen to mediate this situation, what would you do to ensure not to offend either party? How would you explain Bart’s behavior to Manual? How would you explain Manual’s to Bart?
5 Case 2. The Cancellation of the Dinner Party Comment: 1.In New Zealand, a friend can openly provide constructive criticism. If Stan did not make such suggestions to a friend in his country, the friend would be angry that Stan did not help him when he had the chance. 2.In Philippines, a person cannot be a friend and a critic at the same time, or at least not in public. Stan should find some other way (acceptable to the Filipinos) to voice his comments.
6 Case 3 Why should they do like this? Comment: 1.The British people maintain their etiquette and social manners even when they are very excited. 2.The Filipino couple did not introduce their Filipino friend to him 3.The Filipinos were talking in their own native language. No doubt the British felt left out, which is unacceptable and rarely occurs on social occasions in Britain. 4.When immigrants meet in a foreign country, they tend to take no notice of their surroundings/people around, which is considered to be rude and requires attention.
7 II. Compliments A.Compliment and compliment responses B. Social functions of compliments C. Differences between Chinese compliments and English compliments (semantic formula and syntactic formula) D. Common response formulas in English and Chinese E. Different cultural assumptions about compliment
8 Compliments and compliments responses Fishing for compliments “Growing flowers is my hobby, but I’m not much good at it” “But these flowers are beautiful” “ I wish I could do as well!”
9 Fishing for compliments “ I really know little about the subject.” “Well, I certainly don’t know anybody who knows more than you do!”
10 Social functions of compliments 1.To create or reinforce solidarity 2. To greet people 3. To express thanks or congratulations 4. To encourage aging people 5. To soften criticism 6. To start a conversation 7. To overcome embarrassment
11 Differences between Chinese and English Compliments W: It is common for a man to informally give a woman compliments on her looks or clothing C: It is taken as a kind of flirtation if a man compliments a woman
12 ■ Chinese people compliment each other much less frequently than westerners do. ■ Chinese people try to draw a line between compliment and flattery ■ Chinese people interpret other’s positive compliments as a request for possessing something.
13 The Semantic Formula English compliments: Adjectives Verbs This was a great meal. You look so nice today. You did a good job. I like your haircut. I love your glasses. I really enjoyed your class
14 Chinese compliments Adjectives adverbs verbs Your skirt is very pretty. This room is really good. You’re really an experienced teacher. You did the job very well. You treat people sincerely. I especially like the color of your blouse. You deserve being praised.
15 The Syntactic Formula NP ADJ PRO V ADV O English: NP is/looks really ADJ(53%) Your blouse looks beautiful. You are so efficient. I really like/love NP I really like your hardwood floors. That’s really a beautiful car.
16 Chinese ■ You V ADV You did the job well. ■ NP is ADJ Your coat is really beautiful. ■ PRO is ADJ NP That’s a wonderful wall calendar. ■ PRO V O You deserve being honored. ■ I like NP I like this picture.
17 Response Formulas of E and C compliments American English A: This is really a nice sweater. B: I’m glad you like it. A: You did a good job. B: Thank you/Thanks. Chinese: A: Your sweater is very good. B: I bought it only for ten yuan. A: You did the job very well. B: That’s the result of joint efforts./There’s still much room for improvement.
18 ■ Generally speaking, native English speakers tend to accept the compliments while the Chinese tend to efface themselves in words although they do feel comfortable about the compliments. Sometimes humorous responses could be used when with intimate friends.
19 Cultural Assumption “Good” refers to one’s health, appearance and manner in both E and C cultures “Losing weight” means good in E culture but not good in C culture “putting on weight” can be a compliment to Chinese but offensive to Americans
20 III. Expressions of gratitude and aplology The expressions are far more frequently used in English than in Chinese. Chinese often neglect minor favors especially among friends and members of family. They think the expressions of gratitude and apology unnecessary and even tiresome.
21 Some special Chinese expressions It doesn’t matter. 没关系 Never mind. 不要紧 ( responses to apology ) You’re welcome. 不用谢 It’s my pleasure. 没关系 ( responses to gratitude )
22 IV. Summary ★ Compliments and responses ★ Differences between Chinese and English compliments ★ Response Formulas of E and C compliments ★ Expressions of gratitude and apology in English and Chinese
23 V. Assignments 1.Role play 1) The guest compliments the meal 2) You’re at a party with other students from the university. You don’t know anybody and you’d like to meet a few people and start a conversation. 2. Video Watching USA 《走遍美国》