LA-EU ICT Cooperation Projects Success Stories Brazil Testimonial Gilson Schwartz City of Knowledge University of São Paulo ICT Day Opportunities to participate in EU ICT research projects San José, 16 February 2010
There are around 350 research institutions in Brazil, with approximately 270,000 personnel (all categories), 77,600 full time researchers and 48,000 PhDs. The country graduates approximately 10,000 PhDs per year, 70% of whom in sciences and engineering, 65% of these PhD's work in public research centres and 30,9% in industry. The number of researchers per 1,000 active people Brazil is estimated at 0.98% in Brazil as Science, Technology and Innovation Powerhouse
3 Target 2010: 0,64% GDP and 0,21% GDP at federal and state govs. 23 % 38 % 16 % 12 % R&D (R$ million)
Saúde 39 Agronegócio 9 Engenharias, Física Matemática 14 Biotecnologia/ Nanotecnologia 11 Amazônia 7 TICs 7 Biodiversidade Meio Ambiente 7 Energia 7 Antártica e Mar 3 Nuclear 2 Outras 7 Ciências Sociais Areas
Researchers and PhDs in São Paulo
109 projects, 358 for Latin America (30%) 86 institutions Brazilian success rate is 20.64%, lower than Argentina (24%), Chile (22%) and Mexico (34%) Transport (19%), Agriculture, Food, Biotech and Fisheries (18%), ICTs (14%), Health (12%) Brazil in the FP7 – 2007/2008 Source: Brazilian Bureau for Enhancing the International Cooperation with the European Union (B.Bice, 29/12/2009)
Brazil-EU S&T Agreement since 2006: 3 meetings of Steering Committee of S&T Agreement (2007, 2008, December 2009 in Brazil) Brazil-EC Information Society Dialogue held in October 2008 in Brussels confirmed common interest in strengthening cooperation in ICT field EC invitation to Brazil to participate in ICT Programme Advisory Group meeting in June 2009 Brazil-EU Liaison Office: Cooperation Brazil-EU
Based at the City of Knowledge Research Group partnering with the Technological Policy, Management and Innovation Research Group at the University of São Paulo: Integration of “Project Angels” into the framework of extension programs at USP: Audiovisual Digital Management for Local Development – GeMA Program PRO-IDEAL helps to submit R&D projects: INCLOUD: project submitted to Call 5 LAMOUR: ongoing support action project for the promotion of digital audiovisual management and regulation standards FORESTA PRO-IDEAL & PRO IDEAL PLUS in Brazil
Gracias Gilson Schwartz