The Lord’s Challenge to Us Jesus calls us to be His disciples and be in His kingdom Luke 9:23 He requires our righteousness to exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees Matt. 5:20 Pharisees’ righteousness Luke 18:12, Matt. 23:4-5, 13-15, 16-21, Must we do more? (fast 3x weekly, give 15%) Not more but better Better motives, values, spirituality, standards, relationships, knowledge, attitudes Matt. 5-7
The Lord’s Challenge to Us The heart of the matter 5:21-48 Anger, slander, etc. just as wrong as murder v Lust and looking to lust just as wrong as adultery v Divorce is breaking faith with spouse v.31-32, Malachi 2:14-16 Breaking one’s word is wrong v Go beyond what is required of you v What do you do more than others? v God is our standard v.48 Perfect love
The Lord’s Challenge to Us Pure motives…God knows 6:1-18 In vain if for other reasons 1 Cor. 13:1-3 Our value system: material or spiritual? 6:19-34 Love & trust in money v.19-24; 1 Tim. 6:10,17 Worry over too little money v Rules for relationships 7:1-12 How you think of yourself & others 7:1-5 How you act toward others 7:12 Relationship with God 7:7-11 faith, 7:13-14 commitment, 7:21-27 obedience