The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8
Being Thankful for the Word of Truth Colossians 1:3-8
Written by Paul Written to believers in Colossae Written from Rome Written in 61 AD Written because of the Colossian heresy Written to show the supremacy of Christ
What is an Apostle? Who was Timothy? What is Grace? What is the result of Grace received?
Paul’s thankful heart, vv 3-5a Faith, love and hope The word of truth, the gospel, v 5b The essentials of the gospel The universal impact of the gospel, vv 6-8 Constant fruit bearing, and the eternal nature of love
A present state of thankfulness, v 3a Paul in Rome, under the threat of death Lack of thankfulness is a step towards sin, Rom 1:21 Believers are blessed with every spiritual blessing, no matter our circumstances Our hope is in the Lord, not our circumstances Praying always for you, v 3b Continuous participle, it is an ongoing action Pray to the Father
Faith, love and hope: the trilogy of virtue Dr. Norman Geisler Faith: our source of righteousness, Rom 1:16-17 Bible definition: Hebrews 11:1 Love for all the saints The primary trait of a Believer, 1 John 4:7 God is the source of our love Love of God is the bond between Believers, John 13:34-5 Hope is being continually laid up in heaven We look forward to (hope for) His coming again, John 14:1-3, Titus 2:11-14
The Gospel: the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, 1 Cor 15:3-4 Not just believing historical facts, but the reason behind them, Hebrews 9:22 The necessity of the Gospel, 1 Cor 15:16-19 The importance of loving others Included in the “word of truth” We will be judged on how we lived and loved others, 1 Cor 3, Romans 14:10
Spread through the whole world Paul in Ephesus: all of Asia Roman Empire stretched to Britain, 61 AD Constantly bearing fruit God’s word does not return void, Isaiah 55:11 The process of salvation, v 6b Hearing Understanding Believing, i.e. faith Grace of God in truth is for all people “… just as in all the world…”
Two aspects of the gospel, v 7 Hearing, understanding and faith for salvation Hearing, understanding and faith for sanctification All false religions teach works based salvation Only Biblical Christianity teaches faith for salvation and sanctification. Leave out the word, and we revert to works… or guilt. Walk the same way we received Him, Col 2:6-7 Firmly rooted, built up, established in our faith Overflow with gratitude
God His Word The Believer Trust, Thankful
They learned it from Epaphras Beloved fellow slave Servant of Christ, represents Christ to others Full circle back to love, the premier virtue We need faith in the past and present Hope is the source of our present strength Only love is eternal, 1 Cor 13:13
Paul’s thankful heart, vv 3-5a Faith, love and hope The word of truth, the gospel, v 5b The essentials of the gospel The universal impact of the gospel, vv 6-8 Constant fruit bearing, and the eternal nature of love