SENEGAL Système des Nations Unies au Sénégal 1 Country Team coordination Case-study: Senegal what works & what doesn’t 7th JPO Workshop UN Coordination and Reform 18 to 22 April 2005 Albéric Kacou, RC Senegal Luc Reuter, UN Coordination Analyst
United Nations Country Team Senegal SENEGAL 2 Outline of presentation: UNCT Senegal Coordination mechanism Proposals to reinforce UN coordination in Senegal
United Nations Country Team Senegal SENEGAL 3 UN Entities in Dakar, Senegal 23 UN agencies and 5 regional support entities Country offices: UNDP (UNV, UNCDF, UN-Habitat, RFSCO, GEF, Capacity 21, Coord. Unit), UNICEF, UNFPA, WFP, FAO, HCR, WHO, WB, IMF, IFC Country/Regional offices: UNIFEM, UNESCO, UNOPS, UNIDO, ILO, UNIC, ICAO, IDEP, IMO, ITU, UNOCHA (IRIN), UNODC, UNAIDS Regional Offices: UNOWA, WFP reg., UNICEF reg., UNDP SURF-West and Central Africa, UNFPA Country Support Team (CST)
United Nations Country Team Senegal SENEGAL 4 UNCT Senegal 28 UN entities Over 930 UN staff No UN compound or UN House Coordination Unit: Resident Coordinator and UN Coordination Analyst (JPO) Senegal pilot country for multiple UN initiatives (Millenium Project, Millenium Challenge Account, Integrated Framework..)
United Nations Country Team Senegal SENEGAL 5 Monthly UNCT Coordination Meetings Monthly Head of Agency (HoA) meeting when: every 2nd Tuesday / Month how: rotating Presidency among UNCT who: HoA from UN national offices Special Visitors and Agency presentations Monthly Security Management Team meeting (SMT) when: every 1st Tuesday / Month how: RFSCO elaborates agenda in consultation with the Designated Officer (DO) and chaired by DO who: all HoA based in Dakar
United Nations Country Team Senegal SENEGAL 6 Coordination Mechanisms UN Sub-committees (i) Communication and Information when: monthly meetings how: chaired by UNIC elaborate and execute UNCT communication strategy who: UNCT Communication officers Operational Issues when: meet on demand how: chaired by UNDP common services, harmonization mechanism who: UNCT administration/operations officers
United Nations Country Team Senegal SENEGAL 7 Coordination Mechanisms UN Sub-committees (ii) Emergency when: meet on demand how: chaired by UNHCR not very active in Senegal Cotamba (regional UNDAF) when: meet on demand (at least monthly) how: chaired by UNIDO who: HoA and UNDAF-Tamba focal points
United Nations Country Team Senegal SENEGAL 8 International Aid coordinating Thematic Groups (TG) and Working Groups (WG) (i) Not limited to UN agencies Open to whole donor community in Senegal Meet on demand, called by group chair Several UN agencies are TG Chairs UNDP/WB Chair donor-coordination Group MDGs Working Groups (7)
United Nations Country Team Senegal SENEGAL 9 International Aid coordinating Thematic Groups (ii) SectorChair Donor CoordinationUNDP / WB CasamanceUNDP / EU DecentralizationFrance / Germany Rural Development and Food Security EU/ France EnvironmentDutch Embassy Public Finance and Budgetory Support EU
United Nations Country Team Senegal SENEGAL 10 International Aid coordinating Thematic Groups (iii) SectorChair GenderUNIFEM EducationFrance Private SectorUSAid MicrofinanceCanada HealthWHO HIV/ AIDSCNLS/UNDP National Council for Fight against HIV/AIDS
United Nations Country Team Senegal SENEGAL 11 MDG Working Groups (WG) Environnment Global Economic Coherence Health Education Water and Sanitation Poverty Infrastructure
United Nations Country Team Senegal SENEGAL 12 What works ? UNCT participation in monthly meetings Rotating Chair of HoA meetings Monthly HoA meeting hosted by a different agency Information sharing (DGO, UNCT) Personal implication and active participation of HoA Joint Programming Initiative UNDAF-Tamba Flexible and proactive team Successful UNCT retreat 2005 (Coordination Survey)
United Nations Country Team Senegal SENEGAL 13 What doesn’t work ? (i) Everybody wants to coordinate but nobody wants to be coordinated ! Lack of Resources: Human:1 JPO Financial:60,000 U$ for 2005 Coordination Unit is often considered as being too UNDP not enough UN. Need to more mobilize agencies for joint initiatives. Information sharing among agencies needs to be improved. Agency tendancy to raise own flag.
United Nations Country Team Senegal SENEGAL 14 What doesn’t work (ii) Need to increase interactions among UN experts based in Dakar Coordination Unit needs to have resources to follow-up transversal issues (NEPAD, MDGs,etc.) is done by UNDP/EPU (Economic and Policy Unit) Need to have a clearer definition of roles and responsabilities of the Coordination Unit Need to improve UN agencies role in the implementation of the UN reform
United Nations Country Team Senegal SENEGAL 15 Coordination Unit Senegal 2005 UN Resident Coordinator UN Coordination Analyst MDG monitoring: UNDP/EPU Communication: UNIC DEV/INFO:UNICEF/UNDP HIV/AIDS:UNIFEM/ILO/UNICEF
United Nations Country Team Senegal SENEGAL 16 Coordination Unit Senegal Proposal UN Resident Coordinator UN Coordination Officer UN Economist (PRSP, MDGs,…) UN Coordination Analyst UN Communication Officer Assistant
United Nations Country Team Senegal SENEGAL 17 Implication for the work of JPOs JPO work as Coordination Analyst in UNCTs and in DGO. The UN Reform calls for a more coordinated UNCT presence. Redesigned UNCT Coordination Units will create new opportunities for JPOs with special skills. CCA/UNDAF process allow JPO to participate in a coordinated UN initiative.
United Nations Country Team Senegal SENEGAL 18 Implication for the work of JPOs Need proactiveness. Ensure JPO empowerment. Strong support from RC and clarity of role and responsibility are sine qua non conditions for the success of the JPO. JPO experiences in other UNCTs