The Mind Doesn’t Matter The Assumptions of the Behaviorist
Learning Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior which occurs as a result of experience. The learning is a result of the relationship between behavior (response) and events (stimuli)
Assumptions Parsimony - Occam's Razor one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything Associationism -the doctrine supported by Aristotle, Hume and others that mental processes are based on forming connections between ideas or events.
John Locke and J.S. Mill “reward and punishment … are the spur and reins whereby all mankind are set on work, and guided.” Today we talk about the “carrot and the stick”
The Pioneers Ivan Pavlov ( ) Edward L. Thorndike ( ) John B. Watson ( ) B. F. Skinner ( )
Ivan Pavlov Discovered “Classical Conditioning” Was a Russian physiologist who discovered a link between reflexes and an “anticipatory response”.
Classical Conditioning Also known as a neutral stimulus
Assignment Find an advertisement from any newspaper or magazine. Examine the conditioning techniques used. Write a brief report on the elements. Be prepared to be randomly selected to present your report. Due Friday
Key Terms in Classical Conditioning Neutral Stimulus Unconditioned stimulus Unconditioned response Conditioned Stimulus Conditioned response Stimulus Generalization Stimulus Discrimination Extinction Spontaneous Recovery
Training In the absence of training generalization will occur. Stimulus Discrimination requires training In some cases extinction will not occur.
John B. Watson Conditioned Emotional Responses Watson and Rayner with Little Albert Conditioned Drug and Immune Responses
Little Albert Neutral Stimulus = Rat Unconditioned (al) stimulus = Loud Noise Unconditioned(al) Response = fear Conditioned Stimulus = Rat Conditioned Response = Fear
Higher Order Conditioning