Notes le 18 mai L’adjectif intérrogatif QUEL The interrogative adjective quel is used with a noun and means “what” or “which”. It always agrees in number.


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Presentation transcript:

Notes le 18 mai L’adjectif intérrogatif QUEL The interrogative adjective quel is used with a noun and means “what” or “which”. It always agrees in number and gender with the noun it’s describing. masculinféminin singulierquel avionquelle valise (what/which plane)(what/which suitcase) plurielquels passagersquelles villes (what/which passengers)(what/which cities)

Des exemples : Sur quelle piste atterrit l’avion ? (Which runway is the plane landing on?) Quels livres avez-vous dans vos sacs-à-dos? (What books do you guys have in your backpacks?)

L’adjectif TOUT Tout means “all”, “every”, “the whole” or “the entire”. It is generally used with the definite articles le, la, l’ and les. masculineféminin singuliertout le paystoute la ville (the whole country)(the entire city) plurieltous les bagagestoutes les places (all of the baggage)(all of the seats)

Des exemples: Ma femme a tous les passeports dans sa valise. (My wife has all the passports in her suitcase.) Toute la classe fait le voyage. (The whole class is taking the trip.)

The expression tout le monde means “everybody”. En France, tout le monde parle français. (In France, everybody speaks French.)