Family Leadership
Lynne Elwell My part in the Story
3 Down The Rabbit Hole
There is something I don’t know that I am supposed to know. I don’t know what it is I don’t know, and yet am supposed to know. And I feel I look stupid if I seem both not to know it And not know what it is I don’t know. Therefore, I pretend I know it. This is nerve-wracking since I don’t know what I must pretend to know. Therefore, I pretend I know everything. R.D. Laing, Knots (1970)
Bewildered, Tired, Angry Emotional, misunderstood Little information no strategies few allies Lost in the system Service Land Seeing things with negative eyes expected to become passive recipients
Partners In Policymaking Sharing The Challenge Kindred Spirits Tomorrow’s Leaders Academies All Together Better The Story so Far Sharing Knowledge
8 Merseyside Partners
Lots of Partners gained employment after Graduating from Partners Courses
11 W orking in Partnership
We know that people’s lives change.
13 Bringing people together 13
14 We are the true experts on what we need
What working in partnership does Making Links Sharing Information Networking opportunities Makes things happen
17 Learning together
We learn in lots of different ways
19 Having Fun 16
We have Inspirational Speakers
It works everywhere
23 20 KEYMAKERS Some people see a closed door and turn away… Others see a closed door, try the knob, if it doesn’t open… then they turn away. Still, others see a closed door, try the knob, if it doesn’t open, they find a key, if the key doesn’t fit … then they turn away. A rare few see a closed door, try the knob, if it doesn’t open, they find a key, and if the key doesn’t fit… They make one!
In the future families won’t have to go through the nightmare; the maze of confusion; having no information. People will have what they need to make informed decisions and choices. Through All Together Better we can work in true partnership Our Dream… From This …To This …
Some use the legislation
What is Partners in Policymaking? Partners in Policymaking is a leadership training and development course for disabled adults and parents of disabled children. The are approximately 35 participants on the course, these will be people who… Think that life could be better for disabled children and adults. Want to improve the way things are now but may not be clear where to start. When we use the term disabled, we are including people with learning difficulties, people with sensory impairments and people with physical impairments.