Bullying: It doesn’t just happen with kids Arielle Bair, MSW, LSW Social Work Director
Overview of Bullying Settings Characteristics Impact
Definition Bullying is characterized by intentional repetitive aggressive behavior involving an imbalance of power or strength
Types of Bullying Verbal Physical Antisocial
Impact of Bullying Anger Annoyance Frustration Anxiety Worry Isolation Depression Reduced self-esteem Feeling rejected Functional changes Eating/sleeping problems
Reasons Low self-esteem Feelings or experiences of loss Difficulty adjusting to community living Fear
Anti-Bullying Mission Statement of Westminster Village As a PSL community, within the scope of our Organization’s mission, our community is a place where everyone should feel safe and accepted, promoting a sense of belonging. Bullying will not be tolerated here and the entire community will work in collaboration to prevent all forms of bullying within our Westminster family.