Part I 40 Questions Questions about Iman
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #12 Why do you call yourself a Muslim? a.Because I believe in Allah as the Supreme Lord. b.Because I believe in Muhammad (pbuh). c.b above means he was the last Prophet. d.All the above
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #13 Which is the last religion of Allah the Almighty? a.Christianity. b.Judaism. c.Islam. d.Hindu.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #14 Islam is the religion of Almighty Allah. What is a believer in Islam called? a.Musliman. b.Muslimoon. c.Muslim. d.Christian.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #15 What do you call a Messenger of God? a.Nabiy. b.Al Rasool. c.Rasool-ullah. d.b and c above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #16 Who is the last Messenger of God? a.Isa (Jesus the Messiah). b.Muhammad (pbuh). c.Musa (Moses). d.Ibrahim (Abraham).
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #17 Who is Allah's first Messenger? a.Nooh (Noah). b.Adam. c.Ibrahim (Abraham). d.Muhammad (pbuh).
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #18 Who taught all about Islam to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? a.Angel Jubra’eel. b.Angel Israfeel. c.Angel Izra'eel. d.Angel Mika’il.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #19 What is the name of the angel who revealed the message of Islam? a.Adam. b.Hawwa (Eve). c.Jibreel. d.Joseph.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #110 The Guidance of Almighty Allah were written in a sacred Book, what is the name of that Book? a.The Holy Quran. b.The Bible. c.The Zaboor. d.The Gospels.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #111 How does Islam make people good? a.By following God's Commands. b.By the Hadith. c.By the example of the Prophet. d.All the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #112 What is the most important Book in the world? a.The encyclopedia. b.The Holy Quran. c.The Bible. d.The Hadith.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #113 What is the most sacred Book in the world? a.The Holy Quran. b.The Zaboor. c.The Old Testament. d.All the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #114 Are you happy you are Muslim? a.Yes, because it is the Truth. b.Yes, because it is fun. c.Yes, because I like it. d.Yes, because it is wonderful.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #115 Nabiy means Prophet. Who chose Muhammad (pbuh) to be the Nabiy? a.Gabriel. b.Allah. c.The people. d.By majority vote.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #116 A Muslim believes in many sacred things called elements of faith. Name these points. a.Allah, Prophethood, Angels. b.The Holy Books, the Day of Judgment. c.a and b above + Qadr. d.Humanitarian feelings.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #117 Who is the most important BEING to believe in? a.Myself. b.Allah, the creator. c.Prophet Muhammad. d.Jesus.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #118 Which religion is the complete religion of Almighty Allah? a.Jewish. b.Christian. c.Muslim. d.Hindu.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #119 Which religion is the final religion of Almighty Allah? a.Christianity. b.Islam. c.Japanese. d.Indian.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #120 What does Almighty Allah want from us? a.To be good people obedient to Him. b.To be nice people but care only about ourselves. c.To worship Him and work for Paradise. d.a and c above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #121 Almighty Allah created us and He loves us a great deal. What is His name in English? a.Allah. b.Khuda. c.God. d.Zen.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #122 Almighty Allah is a Supreme Being. Can we see Him? a.Yes, of course. b.No, we cannot. c.Sometimes. d.Only if we try hard.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #123 In the beginning Almighty Allah created the angels. What did He create afterwards? a.Adam. b.The earth. c.The universe. d.Mankind.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #124 When almighty Allah created the universe, what else did He want to create? a.Plants. b.The animal kingdom. c.Mankind. d.all the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #125 When Almighty Allah created man on earth, He wanted to guide him. Through what did God guide man? a.Through man's thinking. b.Through kings. c.Through Prophets. d.all the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #126 How many periods did Almighty Allah take to create the universe? a.Six long, long periods. b.Five. c.Three. d.Ten.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #127 How long were the periods God took to create the universe? a.Human days. b.God's days which are very long. c.God's days may be billions of years. d.b and c above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #128 What did Almighty Allah create Adam from? a.Air. b.Elements of the earth. c.Plants & air. d.Water & air.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #129 Almighty Allah has always been in existence. Does He have a beginning? a.Being the Supreme Lord, He has no beginning. b.Yes, of course. c.I don't know. d.None of the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #130 Almighty Allah will always be in existence. Does He have an end? a.Yes, of course. b.No, since He doesn't die. c.I don't know. d.None of the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #131 Almighty Allah is eternal. What does that mean? a.Constant. b.Permanent. c.Without a beginning or end. d.All the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #132 We have a beginning. Does Almighty Allah have a beginning as we do? a.Yes, since we are like Him. b.No, since His essence is different from ours. c.Maybe. d.I don't know.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #133 When we grow old we die, yet Almighty God doesn't die. How is that? a.Being permanent, He doesn't die. b.Having different essence than man's, He doesn't die. c.a and b above. d.I don't know.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #134 Almighty Allah doesn't look like us. He gave us eyes to see with. Can we see Him? a.No, we cannot see Him with our eyes. b.We can perceive Him. c.We can feel Him in our hearts. d.All the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #135 Allah can see us, yet He doesn't have eyes like ours. How can He do that.? a.Having different essence than ours, He can. b.a above, but we don't know why. c.He has different looking eyes than ours. d.All the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #136 Almighty Allah is self-sufficient, does He need to rest or sleep? a.Yes, of course. b.Only when He gets very tired. c.No, He does not. d.All the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #137 Almighty Allah doesn't get hungry or thirsty, is that why He is known to be self-sufficient? a.No, this is not all the reason. b.A self-sufficient Being needs nothing whatsoever. c.c. a and b above. d.Maybe.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #138 Almighty Allah is a Supreme Being, is that why He doesn't become tired or sleepy? a.No. b.His essence is such that He does not tire. c.Yes. d.All the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #139 Almighty Allah does not need to eat, drink, breathe, or rest, why? a.Because He is self-sufficient. b.His essence is different than man's. c.His needs are different. d.a and b above.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #140 Almighty Allah is one and is always one, does He have a father? a.Are you crazy, of course no. b.No, since His essence is different than ours. c.a and b above. d.Yes.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #141 Almighty Allah is one and will always be one, does He have a child? a.No. b.Two children fighting all the time. c.No, because His essence is different than man's essence. d.Twelve children, five are troublesome.
Click for the answer Questions, Iman, batch #142 End of quiz a.You may go for the next set of questions about Iman or b.You may choose another topic c.Thank you and May Allah bless you.