“Oh? Does it involve us freezing our butts off like the last 2 Thanksgivings??” “Casey, I have the perfect plan for Thanksgiving this year.”
Thanksgiving 2005
Thanksgiving 2004
“No, this will be warmer. Even warmer than that time we tried to climb Navajo Peak (13,500’) on Easter.”
Casey and Marley enjoying the “gentle cool breeze” on Easter morning.
“Utah is the spot for us. Nothing but desert, Mormons, and sunshine.”
“Brian, we tried that before…It didn’t go so well.”
“Utah makes me bleed.”
“Don’t worry. I have some safe activities picked out: First a little rock climb, then some kayaking, and then a stroll through a canyon.”
“This is what you call a LITTLE rock climb???”
“I better double check this…”
After 4 pitches of climbing the view starts to “open up” a bit. Our celebratory beer awaits at the car.
The final pitch looks like a doozy. This must be why this climb is one of the Top 100 Classics of North America.
First, one must traverse The Sidewalk – a 20’ long, 18” wide ridge of mud with a looong drop on either side.
“It’s plenty wide if you have good balance.”
The wise Casey-fuscious say, “One must find their center and be at peace with Nature.”
Up onto “The Diving Board”
“Finally a chance to clip my rope into the rock.”
“Now what?”
“When in doubt, keep climbing. Before the pile of mud crumbles away.”
“Almost there.”
One of the wildest summits ever!
Casey’s Hero Shots
Now it’s time for some gentle whitewater on the Colorado.
Some nice scenery And a riverside winery that wouldn’t serve us because we didn’t have our IDs in our wetsuits.
Now into the canyons. “Hey Brian, why do you think they call that Cobra Rock?”
“Look, a nice wide canyon with no obstacles.”
Okay, maybe an occasional obstacle.
“Hey guys, make me a harness that doesn’t break this time!”
“Down you go Marley!”
“Are we canyoneering or caving?”
The canyon starts to “restrict” a little. 100’ high walls that are one foot apart.
“It gets better up here.”
“I’m not so sure I can follow you. It seems we have a different chest size.”
“I see daylight again!”
“Good for you. I seem to be wedged 20’ off the ground.”
“Finally, it’s opening up.”
The end of another great Thanksgiving adventure between the cousins.