Reading with your child.
Starting to Read When children learn to read they draw on all the different kinds of information they have gathered about books and reading. Above all the point of reading is to get at what the book means.
Reading Aloud Through sharing books with parents, children learn to: Turn the pages Talk about the story and the pictures Join in parts that they know well Gradually recognise words on the page All this helps to build their confidence and interest.
Before Reading - T.E.L.L.S Discuss and share the books: TT – Talk about the title and front cover EE – Explore the book LL – Look at the pictures and predict what will happen LL – Look for unusual words and names SS – Say whether the book is fact or fiction
During Reading - 3 ‘P’s When your child begins to read, it will be important for you to use the three ‘P’s: Pause Praise Prompt
P Pause If the child falters or makes a mistake: Before responding, wait about 5 seconds Give time for the child to work out the word or fix the mistake In this time, don’t do anything – don’t signal with your face, don’t point
P Prompt Encourage the child to: picturesLook at the pictures read onSay ‘hmmm’ and read on to the end of the sentence RereadReread the sentence cluesUse contextual clues – what would make sense? Sounding outSounding out – only if it is a regular word If the word makes sense, continue reading If the word doesn’t make sense – –ask “Did that sound right?” –prompt to have another go If you try 2 prompts and the child still does not get the word, tell them!
P Praise At all times – End of sentence End of page Fixing a mistake Good reading For trying Make comments specific – I like the way you... Great reading! Good working out! Nice expression!
Following the reading Discuss the book –Did you enjoy that book? Why / why not? –I was surprised by …. What did you think? –I was expecting something different to happen. What about you? –Did you think that character did the wisest thing? Why? –What would you have done? –How did the story make you feel?