Theater: Different Interpretations
INTRODUCTION Some theater is “timeless” Doesn’t mean that it can’t be “updated” to appeal to today’s crowd.
Romeo and Juliet 1968 S0qao2xINsE S0qao2xINsE 2011 E-VsDoCABJk E-VsDoCABJk 1996 om/watch/ om/watch/ D6HpUndEtP8 D6HpUndEtP8
Hamlet d4_T-N4g d4_T-N4g
Waiting for Godot Nb3jiJc Nb3jiJc xJdk7iVw xJdk7iVw 7WrhWOc 7WrhWOc
It’s Your Turn! You and your partner will “reinterpret” your duet for today’s audience. This is to show that a) updating can keep an audience more interested, and b) the themes of Waiting for Godot can still tell us something about modern life. You may change the dialogue, but NOT TOO MUCH, because a) you must stay true to the original story, and b) you don’t want to have to memorize a whole new script
TODAY You and your partner will brainstorm and answer the following questions on a piece of paper, that you will turn in with your name on it. 1) What will be the new setting of your performance this includes both time (year) and place (anywhere in the universe)? 2) For each character, what is your age and gender ? 3) What props will you need (required to have some)?