Southeast Michigan Council of Governments Developing Regional Solutions.


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Presentation transcript:

Southeast Michigan Council of Governments Developing Regional Solutions

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St. Clair Macomb Oakland Livingston WayneWashtenaw Monroe * City of Detroit 4.7 million people SEVEN COUNTY REGION

233 local units of government 7 county road agencies 2 MDOT regions Police, Fire, EMS (locals x 3) MDOT University Region MDOT Metro Region WHO DO WE COORDINATE WITH?

28,800 miles of public road 4,884 miles of truck routes 140 million vehicle miles traveled daily 1,000 miles currently congested Over 5,400 traffic signals Over 4,500 bridges Over 128,000 crashes 950 miles in poor condition

LINKING OPERATIONS WITH PLANNING Adopted as part of the long-range transportation plan / process (and TIP) – congestion management process (CMP) – ITS architecture / deployment plans – transportation investment prioritization process (TIPP – FHWA Asset Manager NT) – regional concept for transportation operations (RCTO) / traffic incident management (TIM)

INVESTMENT VS. PERFORMANCE HIGHWAY CAPACITY Current performance expectation Maximum performance

ALLOCATION COMPARISON ComponentCurrent AllocationCommittee AllocationChange in Performance Funding Split 2035 PerformanceFunding Split 2035 Performance Transit capital5.0%Current system5.6%Current system + 3 rapid transit lines Transit operations16.1%17.9% Pavement20.8%57% pavement in good or fair condition23.8%69% Bridge6.0%100% bridges in good or fair condition4.0%91% Highway Capacity9.8%2.6 hours of congestion delay per 1,000 VMT7.6%2.8 Safety0.5%0.74 fatalities per 100 million VMT0.6%0.74 Nonmotorized0.5%44% population and employment within ½- mile of facility 0.8%58% Road Operations41.0%N/A39.7%N/A


OUR SHARED OUTCOMES Economic Prosperity Desirable Communities Reliable, Quality Infrastructure Healthy Attractive Environmental Assets Fiscally Sustainable Public Services Access to Jobs, Markets, Services, and Amenities

WE MANAGE WHAT WE MEASURE Different measures drive different actions

This requires that we align our scarce resources

Aligning resources requires focusing on shared outcomes

TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS / TIM PARTNERING NETWORK Arterial (Operations) Traffic Management Subcommittee Communications (Urban Area Security Initiative, PSAPs) Maintenance Border Operations Transit Operations Freeway Operations Subcommittee Planning Subcommittee Regional Transportation Operations Coordinating Committee Courtesy Patrol Abandoned Vehicles Special Events Connected Vehicles Traffic Signal Coordination Snow and Ice ITS Con Opts GTSAC TIM Action Team

Detroit Tucson Portland DEMONSTRATION GRANTS

TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS VISION “Southeast Michigan will have reliable and managed transportation operations across jurisdictional, geographic and modal boundaries for both routine traffic operations and traffic incident management that saves lives, time, and money for its travelers.”

RCTO OBJECTIVES Improve responder safety Provide safe, quick clearance Disseminate operations information to stakeholders Retime traffic signals regularly Identify priority corridors for future investment

Local removal practices Responder safety workshop Table top exercises/After Action Crash investigation sites Alternative route planning Greater visibility TOP STAKEHOLDER SUGGESTIONS: CLEARING INCIDENTS QUICKLY AND SAFELY

Laws in place: Driver Removal Law Authority Removal Law Hold Harmless Law TOP STAKEHOLDER SUGGESTION: CLEARING INCIDENTS QUICKLY AND SAFELY



TOP STAKEHOLDER SUGGESTION: RETIME TRAFFIC SIGNALS REGULARLY Approximately 5,400 traffic signals in the region


Oakland Co./Michigan Traffic Signal Summit (1999) –Multi-jurisdictional coordination –Retime 1,000 signals in 3 years (2003) » »Consistency with clearance intervals – all reds » »Indefinite delivery of services – timely installation » »Funded using CMAQ (at 100%) TOP STAKEHOLDER SUGGESTION: RETIME TRAFFIC SIGNALS REGULARLY

Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Improvement Program Annual Local Safety Program Maximum of $600,000 per project (80/20 match) Priority RankingPoints Regional40 Sub-regional30 Higher-local20 Local10 RETIME TRAFFIC SIGNALS REGULARLY : FUNDING AND GRANT APPLICATION CRITERIA

TOP STAKEHOLDER SUGGESTION: IDENTIFY ARTERIAL STREETS AS PRIORITY CORRIDORS Approximately 28,000 road-miles regionally –approximately 8,000 road-miles of federal- aid eligible » »Grouped into approximately 1,200 “like/peer” corridors

CriteriaPointsBased On Safety 0-3 Weighted CPI (Crash Probability Index) per mile scaled to a maximum of (3) Congestion 0-3 Percent of corridor overlapped by congested segments scaled to a maximum of (3) Freight 0/3 (1) for corridors designated as truck routes (1) for identified corridors connecting to ports, airports, or intermodal facilities (1) for identified corridors serving high-priority regional freight corridors Transit 0-3 Transit ridership by category ((1): 1-4,999 riders per day; (2): 5,000-9,999 riders per day; (3): 10,000+ riders per day) IDENTIFY ARTERIAL STREETS AS PRIORITY CORRIDORS: EVALUATION CRITERIA

CriteriaPointsBased On Volume 1-3 Volume by category ((1): 1-9,999 vehicles per day; (2): 10,000-29,999 vehicles per day; (3): 30,000+ vehicles per day) Density 0/3 (3) for corridors intersecting TAZ with household density > 3.0 or job density >4.0 Activity Centers 0/3 (3) for corridors intersecting 1/2 mile buffer around identified activity centers Functional Classification 0-3 See handout Traffic Signals0-3Density per mile: 0, 1-2, 3-4, >4 IDENTIFY ARTERIAL STREETS AS PRIORITY CORRIDORS: EVALUATION CRITERIA (CONTINUED)


Map 21 performance measures/targets Use of FHWA INVEST tool Educate the public Share experiences (What works / doesn’t work?) Promote Asset Management NEXT STEPS

SEMCOG’s Website ( – ITS Architecture and Deployment Plan – Regional Operations – – Creating Success in Transportation (2040 RTP) Contact Tom Bruff, Manager – Plan & Policy Development Phone: (direct) FOR MORE INFORMATION

Southeast Michigan Council of Governments Developing Regional Solutions