A primer for Gustavus faculty and staff engaging with study away returnees Jill S. Fischer, February 7, 2014
Study Abroad Returnee: a student coming back to campus after studying abroad / studying away Reentry: the period of time immediately after study abroad; could be a long reentry or short reentry, depending on the student and their experience. (Lifelong reentry) Reentry Shock / Reentry Adjustments: “The reverse culture shock experienced when the expatriate returns to their home country” (web definition.)
-Michael Paige, UofMN prof Maximizing Study Abroad
Downloaded from website, 1/16/13
1.Boredom 2.No one wants to hear 3.You can’t explain it 4.Reverse homesickness 5.Relationships have changed 6.People see the wrong changes 7.People misunderstand 8.Feelings of alienation/Critical eyes 9.Inability to apply new knowledge and skills 10.Loss/Compartmentalization of Experience Adapted from Dr. Bruce La Brack, School of International Studies, University of the Pacific * Returnees may experience these challenges to varying degrees. Returnees may experience some of these, or may experience none of these – everyone is different.
Returnee may feel: Down/sad/blah Unmotivated Unengaged in classes, work, friends, interests Unreasonably critical of ‘home’ culture Cranky/irritable Crying/emotional (more than normal) Frustrated with self and/or others Place extreme focus on experience abroad Considered normal part of re-adjustment
When it goes beyond ‘normal’ Returnee is in an extended ‘rut’ Returnee is isolating themselves for extended periods of time Doesn’t seem to get better, Returnee doesn’t seem to have any good days Returnee tells you it’s time
Encourage Returnee to PROCESS & SHARE & UTILIZE RESOURCES ◦ Don’t “pack up” the experience and put it away! ◦ Some of the richest learning can come AFTER one’s return from study abroad via processing the experience (reflection, sharing, picture organizing, etc.)
Let yourself feel what you’re feeling / give yourself time and space to feel sad without judgment Get together with folks from the program Read international newspapers online Journal/write/creative expressions Share your experience with friends/family / campus Organize pictures, have a gathering to share photos Share experience in class/connect to academics – current and future courses Be PROACTIVE! Get involved on campus Talk with a professional if desired/needed
CSL staff (Chris and Amy in Vocation; Career Counseling) Counseling Center – don’t have to have a “problem” to visit with them; can simply want to process D-Center Academic Advising Center Study Away Advisor in CICE – individual debriefing sessions Returnee’s mentor, Academic Advisor, Profs, CF, RD, etc. Reentry Core Group – (contact Jill Fischer for more info, to join)
CICE reentry – sent semesterly to semester students, lists resources & upcoming events to Academic Advisors semester student returnees Reentry Class – next fall (Intercultural Issues) Pizza and Pictures – semesterly social gathering for recent semester returnees Annual Minnesota Returnee Conference (fall, being revised) Well-Being Center (?) new ideas … Caf’ Returnee Table, Facebook Group and CICE Sessions – discuss various topics
CICE Website – Reentry Strategies - HUB
◦ Reentry adjustment info ◦ Links to other websites – Engaging Study Abroad, What’s Up With Culture, etc.Engaging Study AbroadWhat’s Up With Culture ◦ Resources for Going Abroad Again ◦ Resume/Job Search/Integration/Career links ◦ Reading List ◦ How to get involved ◦ Coping Tips ◦ and more…
Jill Fischer, CICE Ext 7546