Lucas Driving a Monster Truck. To Lucas From Kerry
© 2014 Kerry Arcon All rights reserved. This book or any portion there of may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of the brief quotations in a book review. Printed in Canada Balls box 69 publishing 123 bill street nova Scotia ISBN This book is dedicated to Lucas the best book buddy in the world.
“Let’s go!” yelled Lucas from his monster truck.
Lucas can jump over 37 buses! That’s a lot.
Every day Lucas made $69,000,000.
But tomorrow he’s going to…
Jump a football field with 16 helicopters. If he doesn’t make, he will land on the helicopters and that would hurt.
Millions of people came to watch but they looked like dots, because they were so far away.
Lucas jumped over the football field and the crowd went wild.
Lucas went into the world records that day as the best monster truck driver in the universe.
Comments -Kobe~ Cool book, good pictures. Sam~ Interesting book. Nick~ Good job reminds me of ghost rider! Spencer ~ interesting Mason~ this book is worth $69, 000, 000