Here we do the SPANISH laboratory !
Here we attend the informatic laboratory !
This is our art laboratory !
This is our TECNOLOGICAL laboratory !
But only when it doesn’t rain!!
Monday to Friday : hours Saturday : ore Lobby and reception pupils Free Play Educational and teaching activities Laboratory activities * Common tasks preparatory to the lunch Lunch Free play and / or driven section and / or intersection Educational and teaching activities Reorganisation of the section Output – Input and welcome - Game - Snack - Activiti es - Game - Cleanup section and output
Our time table Afterno on too Flexible time* Flexible classes Classes Involved Activity mandatory (5 units per hour for 6 days) more Hours 3:40 Activity Optional (2 hour for 2 days) 2 (8:20 to 12:55) Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday (8:20 to 15:40) Tuesday Thursday Wgroup levels -parallel classes (For projects) All · * The lesson is reduced from 60 to 55 minutes
Form working week Afterno on too Flexible Hours Flexibility of Class Groups Classes involved Hours 36 2 Monda y Wedne sday Level groups in the class - Parallel groups (Projects) Flexible Hours ALL Tuesda y Thursd ay Friday Saturd ay Vertical- graded groups (Laboratories )
(Just some of them…)