Wind energy, wind power
-The wind power or the wind energy is the energy extracted from the wind using wind turbines to produce an electrical power, or windmills for a mechanical power
- We can use it as an alternative to fossil fuels because it’s renewable, clean and it doesn’t produce greenhouse gases. It’s ecological.
-The wind power has been used as long as humans have put sails into the wind -The first windmill used for the production of electricity was built in Scotland in July 1887 by Proffessor James Blyth. It was 10 metres high and it was used to charge accumulators.
- A wind turbine is a device that converts energy from the wind into electrical power. - Turbines are used by many countries to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels.
A wind turbine obtains its power input by converting the force of the wind into a torque (turning force) acting on the rotor blades. The amount of energy which the wind transfers to the rotor depends on the density of the air, the rotor area, and the wind speed.
-A Windmill captures wind energy and then uses a generator to convert it to electrical energy. -The design of a windmill is an integral part of how efficient it will be. -When designing a windmill, one must decide on the size of the turbine, and the size of the generator.
Small (<10 kW ) o Homes o Farms o Remote Applications (e.g., water pumping, Telecom sites, ice making) Large (250 kW-2+ MW) o Central Station Wind Farms o Distributed Power o Schools Intermediate( kW) o Village Power o Hybrid Systems o Distributed Power
-Here in Slovakia, we are not using the wind energy as much as it’s possible. - Now, there are 3 wind farms in Slovakia: in Kysuce, Záhorie and Myjava. - They are able to make electrical power just for 3000 households.
The NEED Project 2014