Year 1 Information for Parents and Carers
Teamwork The children meet the following teaching staff during the course of the week; Mrs Howard, Mrs Porter, Mrs Guy, Mrs Ruddy and Mrs Oakley. Mrs Oakley is the sports coach on a Thursday. Children will need trainers and track suit bottoms. The staff work as a team and support each other in teaching. As within the rest of the school, some sessions are led by teaching assistants.
What the children need. Children do need to bring their water bottles containing water only every day. Please keep big bags to a minimum as we don’t have room to store things that don’t fit in their lockers. Please ensure your child has their reading book and diary and homework with them every day. Forest schools initiative and is a valuable learning experience for children. This will happen termly. You will be informed when this is going to happen and the things that the children will need.
Outdoor Activities Children will be introduced to a new area, which will be used for; Child initiated play Directed activities Observations by staff Problem solving Children will need warm clothing as they may be out in colder weather.
Working with Parents/Carers Consultations are held in the Autumn and Spring Terms and are an opportunity to see and discuss children’s progress. A comprehensive written report is sent out in the Summer term. Reading record books are used to exchange information so please remember to write a comment in the book. Reading books are changed on Thursdays/Fridays. Guided reading happens daily. Newsletters keep everyone up to date with the happenings at school.
Planning/Curriculum Our planning is topic based. These topics will be covered during the year; Owl Babies (Animals) Celebrations Seasons Market Deeping Rule Britannia Burghley House
Continued Literacy- Children follow the new reading scheme, which now continues throughout the whole school. Children have opportunities for different types of writing daily at school. Numeracy- Number work is mainly undertaken practically. The children experience a variety of mathematical activities including problem solving in our outdoor area. ICT- Computers, the interactive whiteboard and iPads are used daily and laptops are used weekly. Other ICT opportunities include; Digital camera, Tape recorders, CD player, programmable robots.
Continued P.D. will be on a Monday, Swimming will be on a Tuesday afternoon every other term and Games on a Thursday. Hair needs to be tied back and all earrings removed on these days please. Show and Tell will be on a Friday afternoon. This will be related to the topic that we are studying each term. Please encourage your child to bring things that are related to the current topic. Library books will be issued on Wednesday afternoons. These are an opportunity for the children to choose their own books and share them at home will family members.
Homework Children will receive homework on a Thursday to be handed in on the following Tuesday. This should be completed with lots of encouragement. Please remember the work should be completed by the child. This will normally be in the form of spellings but there will be occasions when other work is added so please check the homework book regularly.
Assessments/ Target Setting Parents/Carers are informed of the child’s next steps for learning. This is to help you to assist your child in their learning. The children are encouraged by all adults involved in their education. Children are now screened for phonics at the end of year 1. You will be informed of their result in the end of year report.
Help! If you have any unwanted swimming costumes and towels, plimsolls or trainers, clean underwear or school uniforms then they would be greatly appreciated. If you have any spare raincoats or wellington boots that you no longer need then we will also find a good home for these.
Final Statement Children are praised and listened to as in Year 1 we feel that … EVERY CHILD IS IMPORTANT EVERY CHILD IS IMPORTANT AND AND EVERY CHILD MATTERS