Reclaiming Futures as part of the OJJDP required Three-Year State Plan A Presentation to State SAGs Tom Begich
Developing RF in Your Three-Year Plan Identification of Purpose Areas (35 provided by OJJDP) based on: – Previous activities – Data analysis and trends – SAG ideas for improvement Development of the Problem Statement Identification of the Strategy – Explicit designation of Reclaiming Futures – Implied Substance Abuse improvements without reference to RF
Potential Purpose Areas For RF #32 Substance Abuse #19 Juvenile Justice System Improvement #20 Mental Health Service (some sites) #21 Mentoring Are there other areas? Depends on the focus of your RF effort
Developing Interest in Substance Abuse Issues Data analysis SAG on board, State Agency on board Identify potential sites Secure site buy in – RF site visit, or – RF team to site Adopt RF in your three-year plan
3-Yr Planning Start with the end in mind – what does an optimal JJ system look like (in your state) that includes integrated substance abuse/mental health assessment, treatment, care coordination, aftercare and relapse prevention As you’ve studied your JJ system, what gaps and/or challenges are you currently facing that should be addressed by your next 3-year plan related to youth with substance abuse and co-occurring disorders? How can your SAG close those gaps? Driven by your analysis and description of your state system – may want the total RF package in formative language, or if doing elements, ensure that these elements are included in your SAG strategic planning. Link the RF model’s elements to the mission, vision, goals and objectives of your SAG
NC Ex.- Reviewed Program, State Agency and Youth-Specific Data Looking at the array of providers, licensed professionals and opportunities at the state level for capacity building (what do we have in terms of existing capacity for evidence-based screening, assessment, treatment, care coordination, natural support network development, aftercare/reentry, and relapse prevention?) What existing coalitions, providers, communities may be ready (or close) to assume leadership and/or implementation of RF? How can we grow more while still moving toward adoption and implementation of RF in the near future? What purpose areas and program standards can we use (OJJDP) to link to RF based on the data we’ve found, and the way that services are developed and delivered in NC?
SAG Involvement Training and education re: RF and its national evaluation Staff-focused training on the linkage between the 3-yr plan elements and how RF and its components can truly enhance both the plan as well as the system and consumer outcomes required (linking strategic plan to RF elements and implementation) Reframing SAG members’ thinking toward full systems of care in the context of the core protections, and evidence based funding that incorporates programs and services that are validated and empirically supported In the RFP for federal (and other) funding, include language that allows for and encourages evidence based substance abuse and/or co-occurring disorder interventions Encourage SAG “selling” of RF and its elements in their agencies, local jurisdictions, etc. Find a way to have JJ Specialist and/or other staff provide technical assistance and grant development opportunities in locations around your state where coalitions or providers could effectively deliver RF with fidelity and purpose (to meet the goals of the SAG’s 3-yr plan)
Politics and Practicalities Find a champion! Should be very high ranking, visible, advocacy-minded official (elected or appointed) that is committed to high quality, evidence based practices in all elements of their role in state government Seek cross-agency communications and introductions of the RF model. Form a “state champions” or state leadership group that includes key leadership, stakeholders, and potential funders Deliver what you promise – keep folks informed, answer the “what’s in it for me?” question and make it practical and beneficial to all whom you involve. Meet as often as needed but NOT more than needed. Make publications and newsletters, meetings, etc. highlight the successes of your key leader team through their efforts and agency participation (make them feel and look good about participating!) Help leaders think about the practicalities of how this can work – better outcomes for youth, public safety outcomes, cost savings, improved interagency systems of coordination and communication, improved data sharing, etc.