Year 2 SATs Meeting 2014 Building a picture
In Key Stage One the children take SATs. However, based on the teacher’s judgement the children’s levels are determined on all the work they have done over the year. The children have had opportunities to practice doing all the papers. This has given them an understanding of the format and what they need to do. Many children actually quite enjoy doing them! The SATs will take place during the Summer Term. They are spread out so the children only do one or two each week. The work covered during the term will support the SATs. Therefore it is very important that the children are in school during this time.
Reading Writing and Numeracy Science – no test. Teacher assessment will determine their level. The children will complete SATs in the following subjects:
Assessment Levels The children’s work is assessed and given a level. 1c, 1b, 1a 2c, 2b, 2a 3 Level The National Expectation is Level 2b in all subjects Each level is split into:
Reading To assess their reading the children will complete 1 of 3 tasks appropriate to each individual. They may share a book with their teacher and discuss and answer questions. They may complete a reading booklet, where they read short sections of text and answer questions. They may complete a more challenging booklet, where they read a longer section of text and then read back to find the answers. OR
Writing Their writing will be assessed to determine the level. The teacher will be particularly looking for the use of VCOP. To assess their writing the children will complete one short piece of writing, e.g. a postcard. They then complete a longer piece e.g. a welcome letter. V ocabulary – adjectives, interesting verbs. C onnectives – words to extend sentences e.g. and, because, so. O peners – words to show the passage of time or adverbs e.g. carefully. P unctuation – accuracy in using full stops and capital letters.
Numeracy Similar to the reading SATs, the teacher will determine the appropriate task the children will complete. They may complete a practical task using apparatus to help them solve simple number sums and shape activities Alternatively they may complete a maths booklet. The level 2 paper allows them to use apparatus to help them solve problems, whereas the level 3 paper does not. OR
Thank you for reading this information. Should you have any further queries please do not hesitate talking to the Year Two teachers, Mrs Hamer and Miss Greenwood.