Welcome to Year 1! We hope you find the following information useful.
The Year 1 Team Mrs Wood – 1HW Miss Opdam – 1LO Miss Green – 1LG Mrs Grainger Mrs Hameed Miss Latham Mrs Fell
Coming into school Please bring your child to the classroom for 8.50am. Encourage your child to be independent by Giving them the responsibility for putting their bags away Checking the white board for activities Register is at 9.05
Humanities Curriculum Why didn’t Grandad play on the Wii? The first half term we will be looking at Changes in living memory Schools in the past Family history Visitors Toys past and present The children will learn through whole class lessons, guided group work and independent activities through the continuous provision in the areas
Science Curriculum What makes us human? The first half term we will be looking at Identifying and labelling body parts Why we have senses How humans care for pets What herbivores, omnivores and carnivores are The children will learn through whole class lessons, guided group work and independent activities through the continuous provision in the areas
Phonics The children will do daily phonics learning the next phase of digraphs following on from reception. The children will be put into ability groups as they were in Reception but the groups will be across the year group so your child may have a different phonics teacher to their current class teacher. At the end of the year, Year 1 have a phonics screening check, to look at the children’s progress. More information will follow after Christmas.
Reading We will Hear the children read in guided groups twice a week. We will hear target children read daily. We will hear all children read weekly. Your child will have the opportunity to change their reading book several times a week and book management will be decided by the class teacher. You can help your child by Listening to them read daily Asking questions about what they read Encouraging them to retell the story Signing the journal when you hear them read at home.
Book bags Your child should bring their book bag in daily. This should only be used for reading books, library books, letters and home learning.
Maths Look out for - Parentworkshop in the Spring –You can help at home by helping your child know their : –doubles, number pairs, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, –days of the week, months of the year
Behaviour We reward good behaviour and hard work by awarding ‘Going for Gold’ points, stickers, certificates on a Friday in a good work assembly and Golden Time We use a ‘Traffic Light’ system for behaviour. This will be explained to the children in September.
Sports PE kits To kept in school all week. (white t-shirt, black shorts or leggings and pumps) When we change to PE outside we will ask children to have trainers and joggong bottoms but we willl let you know in advance. Tuesday PPA in the afternoon. Children to come in to school in their usual school unifrom as they will get changed for their sport session and back again before hometime.
End of the day We will bring the children into the school playground at 3.10 Children must be collected by an adult. It would really help us if adults would be prompt. The children are told to stay with us and let us know when they are going.
Home Learning Your child will be given home learning every Friday. Practical or discussion based Spellings will next week. Year 1 Blog Celebrates children’s work Children write posts and leave comments Tabs for WAGOLLS, parent information and homelearning
Comments book In the mornings there is always lots going on and at times you might not get a chance to have a chat with the teacher so….. By the front door in every classroom there is a comments book to leave messages in about appointments or maybe someone new will collect your child etc.
Come in and get involved Hear children read Help with Art Activities Work with small groups during lessons Join us on visits and trips Thank You! Any Questions?