Created by City Council in October Original purpose of the fund: To support housing opportunities for workforce families. $600,000 fund. On December 21, 2004, HUD notified the City of eligibility for Community Development Block Grant funds. On November 20, 2007, the Board was given the task of oversight of the general fund Social Service Grant. This grant provides funds to non- profit agencies which provide social services to Frisco citizens. On August 6, 2013, the City Council approved a Board name change to Social Services and Housing Board.
Regular meetings -2 nd Wednesday of each month. 6:30 PM Council Chambers or McCallum Room (4 th Floor) Agency Site Visits – January 2014 and February 2014 begin TBD Public Hearings – November 13, 2013; April 9, 2014; April 16; 2014, and May 14, 6:30 PM Council Chambers As needed.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) federal funds Social Service Grant general funds Workforce general funds
A block grant from the Federal Government (Department of Housing and Urban Development) Used for activities that benefit low and moderate income persons (below $54,000 for a family of 4) 9th Year – allocation $390,928. This is the fourth year of the 5 year Consolidated Plan, Census Numbers Influence future allocations
Purpose: To outline housing, community, and economic development needs Required by HUD to receive CDBG funding The Consolidated Plan has two sections Strategic Plan – a 5-year plan which defines the City’s Priorities Action Plan – developed each year to outline how the funds will be spent to address the priorities Our new plan is for (PY 2010 – 2014) (FY ). The Annual Action Plan for this year, Program Year 2013, was approved for implementation by HUD.
Goal No. 1: Housing Maintain the City’s current affordable housing stock through home rehabilitation, while also pursuing new opportunities for expansion of affordable housing for Frisco’s residents and workforce.
Goal No. 2: Homeless Citizens Continue to support households at-risk of homelessness with necessary support services, as well as continue to support programs offering transitional housing opportunities for homeless families and individuals.
Goal No. 3: Non-Homeless Special Needs Improve the lives of special needs residents.
65% Capital projects benefiting low and moderate income citizens 20% Planning and Administration Expenses 15%Public service programs benefiting low and moderate income citizens.
Housing Rehabilitation – loan program Emergency Repairs – under $5,000 Minor Repair – under $5,000 Major Repair- $5,001 – $24,999 Subrecipient Programs Children’s Advocacy Center of Denton County CITY House Frisco Family Services Center Samaritan Inn
Nonprofit organizations providing a public service to the citizens of Frisco. Sample public services include: health care, child care, job training, education programs, services for seniors, services for homeless, support programs for low/mod individuals and households. 15% cap
Provide essential social services to the citizens of Frisco. Sample social services include: health care, child care, job training, education programs, services for seniors, services for homeless, support programs for low/mod individuals and households.
Frisco Children’s Clinic (medication/rent)$22, CASA of Collin County$2, CASA of Denton County$2, Collin County Committee on Aging $8, Frisco Education Foundation$2, Hope’s Door$5, Small World With Love (clothing)$10, Journey of Hope (grief support services children) $2, Boys and Girls Clubs of Collin County$21, Frisco Family Services Center (food)$60, General fund - $1 per capita = $135,000
Support homeownership in the City of Frisco for City and Frisco ISD Employees. General Fund Programs Homebuyer Educational Workshops Down Payment/Closing Cost Assistance Loan Program
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