Year 8 Options 2012
Why make choices in Year 8? Which subject areas does this affect? What you have to do after this assembly?
It’s a ‘practice run’ for Year 9 Allows you the opportunity to specialise a little A chance to try a new subject
Creative Arts Choose 2 subjects and a reserve – Art – Drama – Music – Performing Arts
Design Technology Choose 2 subjects and a reserve – Food – Graphic Products – Resistant Materials – Textiles
Choose 1 of the following; for 1 lesson a week – German – Extra ICT – Extra PE
The Form
What to do now.. Listen to the information being given to you Ask your class teachers of the relevant subject for more information Fill in the form and return to Miss Williams by Thursday, 17 th May (there will be a box outside my office)
German Can you work out what these easy German words mean? 1.Mutter (a family member) 2.Blau (a colour) 3.Katze (a pet) 4.Apfel (a fruit) 5.Fussball ( a sport)
German Languages are becoming more important – employers and universities would like you to have a qualification in a language.
Choosing German now will give you more choice at GCSE: You will be able to do -French -German -French and German -Neither! German
It is a fantastic opportunity to learn something new It will be hard work It will be interesting and enjoyable It will give you more choice at GCSE It will impress universities and employers in the future
German If you are in 8F1, 8F2, 8G1 or 8G2, we strongly recommend that you choose German If you are in 8F5 or 8G5, you will be doing German next year anyway, and not French, so you must choose either ICT or PE If you have any questions, speak to your French teacher, Ms Quayle or Mrs Rossetti
ICT as an option An opportunity to broaden your knowledge, skills and interest in ICT Will prepare you for both ICT and Computing Units with variety: – Building a PC – Animation – Photography – Coding – Business plans – Website development