Opportunities for Perkins-Funded Activities Performance-Based Funding Montana Two-Year Colleges
Performance-based funding for Montana’s two-year colleges
Performance-Based Funding Montana Two-Year Colleges August 19 th, 2013, Governor Bullock committed Montana to the Complete College Montana initiative Increase the number of Montanans who earn certificates and college degrees Develop specific strategies to reach goal from 40% to 60% with a higher education credential Supported by Complete College America – a nationwide effort involving an alliance of 34 of other states
Performance-Based Funding Montana Two-Year Colleges Goal: Increase the percentage of the Montanans with a higher education credential from 40% to 60% Primary Objective: Improve student learning and attainment outcomes Strategy: A portion of funding to MUS institutions based on their performance on metrics designed to lead to achievement of the goal
Performance-Based Funding Montana Two-Year Colleges 6 priority target areas have been identified Intended to drive metrics which vary by institutional type Promote mission differentiation Encourage innovative institutional-level strategies
Performance-Based Funding Montana Two-Year Colleges 6 targets – (Do they intersect Perkins-funded Activities?) 1. Increase success of under-represented student populations (ex. economically disadvantaged, American Indian, and veterans) 2. Increase early college access for Montana high school students 3. Improve student success in freshmen year (ex. freshmen/sophomore retention, improve success of remedial students) 4. Increase the number of students transferring from 2-year to 4-year campuses 5. Increase the number of students completing degree and certificate programs, particularly in niche program areas with significant economic impact to Montana 6. Grow graduate education and research capacity consistent with institutional missions
Performance-Based Funding Montana Two-Year Colleges Status of Montana’s implementation of performance-based funding Long term Pilot Phase Completion and Retention Second Phase May 2014
Performance-Based Funding Montana Two-Year Colleges Phase I Funding Metrics Completion Retention Anticipated Metrics Early success Earning some college while in high school Earning an industry credential in high school (relates especially when the college accepts that credential for some credit toward its programs) Serve high need/high risk populations Perkins Priorities Promoting and supporting high school to college transitions for Career Technical Education (CTE) Students Developing, implementing, or improving a program of study – culminating in degree, license, or industry- recognized credential Promoting and supporting partnerships between CTE and business and industry
Performance-Based Funding Montana Two-Year Colleges