[This slide should be deleted before use] Instructions for use Ownership This investor presentation template is the property of AECF Connect and comes with no implied or direct undertaking as to its accuracy or completeness. Modifications You are authorized to make modifications to this template to suit your company. Unauthorized use You may not redistribute this template without prior written permission of AECF. Accuracy of information It is acknowledged by the user that the accuracy of the information to be furnished in this business plan is entirely the responsibility of the user. Contact If you have any questions regarding this template please contact connect@aecfafrica.org [This slide should be deleted before use] Issue Date: October 2014
[insert your company name] Investor Presentation – [insert date] [insert company logo]
Executive Summary [summarise in two lines the investment opportunity] Statement of investment opportunity What the company does: Key objectives Main accomplishments to date Overview of industry Products and/or services Current and projected operating levels How much capital are you looking to raise, why is it an attractive opportunity for an investor
Executive Summary [summarise in two lines the financial forecasts] Summarize revenue and profit growth Key driver(s) of profitability Key assumptions in revenue growth are: Assumption 1 Assumption 2
Financial Requirements [Summarize funds required, period of financing requirement and disbursement (both timing and mode)] Provide the following: Basic information required to analyze your capital requirements Financing options proposed, funds required and timing Financial uses over the period of financing requirement Financing uses (Planned) USD Financing Sources (Proposed) Use no.1 (e.g.. Working capital) Period e.g. Q2,2015 Period e.g. Q4, 2017 - Source 1 Year, stage(requested, contracted etc.) Use no.2 (e.g. Factory construction) Period e.g. Q2,2016 Source 2 Total --
The Management Team [summarise in 2 lines what is attractive about the management team] CEO name Academic qualifications Previous accomplishments Number of years of experience in this field CFO name Operations name Sales and Marketing Director Photo Photo Photo Photo
Governance [describe in summary the strength of your governance structure and processes] Outline the control and ownership structure List directors of company and/or group companies Describe governance processes and controls
Social Impact [summarise in 2 lines the nature and strength of the impact of your business on low income households] Baseline Next Show current impact. This should be fact based i.e. outline using figures e.g. 1,000 tonnes of waste per year are used by locals to fertilize 200 ha of land Impact no. 1 Impact no. 2 Show potential impact after investment. Should be fact based Impact no. 1 Impact no. 2
Description of Operations [summarise the nature and strength of the business’s operations] Detail the following key areas Location Equipment Labor Process - describe production details Stage 1 Describe Process Stage 2 Describe Process Stage 3 Describe Process Stage 4 Describe Process
Operations Production Distribution [summarise the state of your supply chain, production and distribution details] [Detail your supply chain using the below as a guideline] Make or buy Procurement Purchasing Supplier & Contractor appraisal Production strategy Production Activity and control Production Distribution strategy Distribution network optimization Transportation& Warehousing Distribution
Operations [summary of factors that give your firm competitive advantage] Outline the following: Barriers to entry Value add features incorporated in products Operational changes necessary to achieve objectives in business plan Key capital and human requirements necessary to deliver the products/services Give summary of growth strategy guided by break even analysis
Products and Markets [give an overview of demand in your industry and the market (both current and potential)] Outline the following: Industry you operate in Market in the past, present and future (projected position) Breakdown of market per product and associated revenue in tabular form Product Description Market (Region) Revenues (US$) Product 1 Product 2 Product 3
Target Markets [summarize both primary and secondary markets] Market subdivision and criteria for the subdivision (e.g. geographic area, product lines, pricing etc.) Primary market focus - Region - Size in relation to total market - Size of this segment that your business will serve Pie chart (can also be done in a graph) illustration of target market, or map showing number of geographical markets. [Dummy Data]
Target Markets [summary of competitor information] Details on direct competitors Competitor A – insert name Competitor B – insert name Competitor C – insert name Estimated Sales Business Description Competitive Positioning Key Clients
Target Markets [summary of market share growth strategy] [How do you sell your product?] [Where to sell the product?] [What is the product and who is it for?] Company’s potential in the market Size of the market Potential growth rate Biggest growth driver for your company Reason for this market’s attractiveness Statement of intent regarding market position Marketing Strategy
Pricing [summarize how you have developed pricing policy, description of margins (high, low etc.) and a brief comparison to competitor pricing] Type of pricing policy Comparison of competitor pricing policies vs company’s policy Outline gross margins by products and main pricing drivers per product (Tabular form) Include assumptions, if any, made in coming up with the policy Outline strategy to stay abreast of market place changes e.g. new innovations, competition etc. Product A Product B Product C Price Gross Margins (%) Main price drivers
Timeline and Milestones [Summarize the overall of objective(s) of the company and the proposed completion date] [Provide list of objectives by start and completion date and by budget.] Milestone Milestone Milestone Milestone Time e.g. Q1, 2010 Time e.g. Q1, 2010 Time e.g. Q1, 2010 Time e.g. Q1, 2010 ………. Milestone Milestone Milestone Milestone Milestone
Growth Plan [summarize demand trends expected and the corresponding plan by the firm to cater for this increase. Brief also on plan to ensure profitability of the firm] Detail the following: Growth expectations (both demand & production growth) Plan to ensure product success If new product is being introduced Opportunities, if any, to be created for further growth
Financial Model [summarise in two lines the financial forecasts] Outline financial plan that defines your financial model and pricing assumption detailing: Historical, current and projected views Scaling up needs, on-going profit/loss, and break-even Assumptions and comments Provide pro forma 3 to 5 year financial statements (balance sheet, cash flow statement, profit and loss account)
Profit & Loss Statement - [insert actual dates for financial years] Profit & Loss Statement Projection Profit & Loss Statement - [insert actual dates for financial years] Calendar Year Year -2 Year -1 Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Revenues Product A Product B Gross Revenues Cost of Product sold() Gross Profit Operating Expenses () - Gross Operating Profit (EBITDA) Depreciation () EBIT Interest & Fee Income/ (Expense) Income Taxes () Net Income
Cash Flow Statement - [insert actual dates for financial years] Cash Flow Statement Projection Cash Flow Statement - [insert actual dates for financial years] Calendar Year Year -2 Year -1 Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Operating Activities - Net Cash Investing Activities Financing Activities Beginning Cash Change in Cash Cash (to)/from debt reserve Ending cash