In English, its WRONG to say I were there. BUT if you insert I WISH, then I wish I were there is correct! This is SUBJUNCTIVE mood in English & Spanish a CONTRARY-TO-FACT CLAUSE. Clave (clue) for SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD: WED-UC-IC Refuse a date, show your wedding ring! Im wed, you see. He says I see.
Wish Emotion Doubt Uncertainty Command Impersonal expression Contrary-to-fact
Song Merry Widow Waltz When you have a wish you use subjunctive mood. When you have a doubt you use subjunctive mood. Use it for emotion or giving a command, Uncertainty, contrary-to-fact this mood demand.
Wish Emoci ón DudaUncertaintyincertidumbreImpersonal ? ? Ojalá que Espero que Me alegro de que No creo que Dudo que En caso de que S in que C on tal que Es posible que Es imposible que Es raro que Es necesario que Es mejor que Deseo que Quiero que Prefiero que Siento que ¡ Qué triste que No es verdad que A ntes de que P ara que A menos que Es importante que Dígale que ¡ Qué lástima que Quizás Tal vez Exige que Insisto en que
Remember when…? In Spanish One: present tense verb endings were… AR: -o, as, a, amos, an ER: -o, es, e, emos, en This is INDICATIVE MOOD IR: -o, es, e, imos, en PRESENTE del SUBJUNTIVO does the opposite! AR verbos cambian: -e, es, e, emos en ER, IR verbos cambian: -a, as, a, amos, an
Por ejemplo… He doesnt smoke.No fumA. She sings. CantA. Its raining. LluevE. We suffer. Sufrimos. NOW… I hope he doesnt smoke.Espero que no fumE. I dont want her to sing. No quiero que ella cantE. In case its raining.En caso de que lluevA. How sad that we suffer. ¡Qué triste que sufrAmos.
¡OJO! Watch out! In English we say, I want you TO EAT. INFINITIVO Spanish must rephrase to I want THAT you eat. Quiero que tú comas. Tell him to run. First rephrase to: Tell him that he run. Dile que corra.
MORE DANGER! I want to sleep. Quiero dormir. 1 one subject-1 clause-1 person: do not rephrase, use infinitivo. I want to sleep. Quiero dormir. 1 one subject-1 clause-1 person: do not rephrase, use infinitivo. I want YOU to sleep. Quiero QUE tú duermas 2 subjects-2 persons-2 clauses connected with QUE: subjuntivo I want YOU to sleep. Quiero QUE tú duermas 2 subjects-2 persons-2 clauses connected with QUE: subjuntivo Its better to leave. Es mejor salir. Its better to leave. Es mejor salir. 1 subject, just use infinitivo. 1 subject, just use infinitivo. Its better that I leave. Es mejor que yo salga Usa el subjuntivo Its better that I leave. Es mejor que yo salga Usa el subjuntivo