A Year at a Glance Presented to the New Transfer Center Directors Training December 2014 By Naomi Grisham, Director, Transfer Services San Diego Miramar College
You’ve Been Named Transfer Center Director…..
Now What?!?!?!
Relax…Start with a Foundation! Chancellor’s Office “Getting Started” Website g/TCDGettingStarted.aspx g/TCDGettingStarted.aspx Ed Code and Specifically Title 5 (See required services) g/TCDGettingStarted.aspx g/TCDGettingStarted.aspx Transfer Center Recommended Guidelines (See P. 10 for Functions) guidelines07_06.pdf guidelines07_06.pdf Recent Legislation such as SB1440, SB 440 and SB 1456 (Student Success Act)SB1440SB 440 SB 1456
Based on the Foundation….Build Your Calendar of Events and To Do’s Transfer General’s Warning: Your yearly events may vary based on campus size, scope of Transfer Center, regional demands, internal and external factors, your personal discretion, and your sanity level.
July It’s all about the planning…… CSU GE/IGETC Certifications for Fall Admits Develop calendar for new year Schedule facilities for major events/fairs Update website Annual Report
Transfer Website Must Have’s
The Basics o About Us o Location o Hours o Contact information (phone and ) Basic Transfer and Application Information (including application deadlines) Calendar of Events Transfer Programs (AA-Ts, WUE, TAG, Honors, etc.) Links to Resources (Articulation, Assist.org, etc.) Transfer Financial Aid Basics Related offices on campus (Career Services, Counseling, Student Services)
Don’t Forget to Periodically Check for Bad Links
August Fall is here…… Schedule university representative visits. Send invitations to college fairs. Transfer Workshops Donation solicitation
September It’s conference, TAG and workshop time! Attend UC Counselor Conference. Attend CSU Counselor Conference. Attend Regional TCD Meeting (if applicable). Transfer Workshops Begin TAG reviews for UCSC, UCD, and UCI CSU/UC Application Workshops Personal Statement Workshops Continue to work on TC Annual Report Communicate with CSU AA-T/AS-T applicants
October Application time…… Complete TC Annual Report (due by 10/31) Complete UCD, UCSC, and UCI TAG Review by 10/15. CSU/UC Application Workshops. Personal Statement Workshops. University Tours Transfer Day College Fair Send invites for Transfer Advisory Committee Meeting
November This is where you lose your sanity or at least a few brain cells…. CSU/UC Application Workshops Personal Statement Workshops Walk in personal statement/application assistance (or appointments) University Tours Schedule Financial Aid Workshops for January/February Attend Regional TCD Meeting
December Dig out and recover! Attend TCD Regional Meeting Transfer Center Advisory Committee Meeting Possibly offer Private School/Common Application workshops Invite university reps for spring tabling Get to all the other stuff you put aside in the earlier fall months!
January Spring planning, updates and data! Develop/review spring calendar Begin preparations for Year End Transfer Event Plan/schedule spring campus tours invites to spring college fair Receive UC data for fall applicants Common Applicant/Private University Workshops Financial Aid/Scholarship Workshops UC and UC Berkeley application update assistance. Supplemental applications assistance.
February $$$ $$$......$$$ Financial Aid/Scholarship Workshops Attend Regional TCD Meeting Communicate with UC applicants via data Communicate with CSU AA-T/AS-T applicants
March Next Steps! Send invites to Transfer Advisory Committee Meeting Attend Regional TCD Meeting Next Steps Workshops Request Funding for upcoming year from Associated Students, Perkins
April Acceptance and Denial…. Schedule rep visits for summer Attend TCD Regional Meeting Next Steps Workshops Continue planning for Transfer Event Appealing Admissions Workshops
May Decisions, decisions……and Celebration! Transfer Achievement Celebration Event ETS Conference Transfer Advisory Committee Meeting Appealing Your Admissions Decision Workshops
June Phew! WACAC Conference Graduation Program Review Due CSU GE/IGETC Certifications