Trends in Questionable Journal Publishing: A Year in Review Lise Brin & Lisa Goddard Atlantic Provinces Library Association June 5, Moncton, NB
March 2013
April 2013
October 2013
November 2013
March 2014
May 2014
Predatory publisher numbers according to Beall’s List
What can we learn from looking at the past year from the point of view of a researcher?
How concerned should we be about the emergence of these questionable publishers?
Talking to faculty about Gold OA.
Faculty Motivators Tenure Prestige Funding Control over work Accessibility of scholarly literature Benefit to community Global innovation Library budgets
P&T Fears Will my committee consider OA journals to be of low quality?
Open Access is now a mainstream publishing model. Approximately % of academic journals are Open Access.
Open Access Journals - Wiley
Open Access Journals - Springer
Open Access Journals – T&F
Open Access Journals - Elsevier
Funder Support for OA
Government Policy - US
Government Policy - UK
Assessing Journal Quality
Journal Quality Indicators peer-review quality editorial board acceptance rates readership citation rate years of publication indexing Impact Factor* *Reliance on journal metrics may vary according to discipline. business model
OA Journal Quality ISI Journal Citation Reports
Journal Metrics
Journal Quality Standards
SPARC Europe Seal of Approval
Registered with SHERPA/RoMEO Editorial board with clearly identifiable members Clear review process Allows use and reuse at least at the levels specified in the Open Access Spectrum. (e.g. HTML vs. PDF) DOAJ Listing Criteria
Open Access Spectrum
DOAJ Seal of Approval Use DOIs (digital object identifiers) as permanent article-level identifiers Provide article-level metadata to DOAJ Have a long-term digital preservation arrangement in place with an external party Embed machine-readable CC copyright information in its articles’ metadata
OASPA Membership
OASPA Censure
Institutional Reassurance
Statement of Support for OA
Collective Agreement “ We will regard a record of open access publication as evidence of service to the community in evaluation of applications for faculty appointments, promotions and grants.”
Social Media Sharing
RR Download Stats
Teaching & MOOCs
Altmetrics Sharing in social media. Reporting in news outlets. Prevalence in citation managers.
More Citations
Control over your work.
Reuse Your Work
Professional Websites
Scholarly Networking
I can’t afford to pay to write.
Open Access Author’s Fund Library pays author’s fee for publication in OA journals. Faculty & grad students $3000/year
Tri-Agency Support
No Fee OA Journals - Laakso and Björk (2012) No feesFees
No Fee OA Journals
Discipline Matters
Thank you!