Background… It is a stark fact that one in eight of us will go to bed hungry tonight. On Friday CAFOD is asking you to make a place at your table to help our sisters and brothers in the world’s poorest countries get enough nutritious food to eat. More resources including an Assembly can be found on click on ‘resources for Secondary Schools’ ‘Harvest Fast Day 2013’
Monday 30 th September Reader:St Jerome was a very clever scholar who first translated the Bible into Latin. He died in Bethlehem in 420 AD. Reader 2:“The Lord of hosts says this. Now I am going to save my people from the countries of the East and from the West. I will bring them back to live in Jerusalem. They shall be my people and I will be their God in faithfulness and integrity.” (The Prophet Zechariah 8:8)
Let us pray… Cafod Harvest Fast Day Prayer God of abundance, all good things come from you. The world, full of life, reflects your glory and sings your praise. You call us to share fairly the bounty of your creation, and the gifts you give us. But so many people in this world of plenty do not have enough to eat. And so we ask you, God of all, create in us a desire to make all things new. So that through your goodness all those in need may be satisfied. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
Tuesday 1 st October 2013 St Therese of the Child Jesus often known as The Little Flower. She dreamed of being a Carmelite nun from a very young age even asking the Pope to let her become a nun before she was 15. Finally she was accepted aged 15 and came to the Carmel Monastery in Lisieux. There with the other sisters she lived until she died in 1897 aged 24. It is only through a diary that the Mother Superior made her write that we came to love her. ‘The Autobiography of a Soul’ teaches us to do small things in a great way.
Let us pray… Reader:‘Jesus called the Twelve together and gave them power and authority over devils and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to heal’ (Luke 9:1-2) Go back to the Cafod Harvest Fast Day Prayer
Wednesday 2 nd October 2013 The Guardian Angels Reader:“The Lord says this: ‘I myself will send an angel before you to guard you as you go and to bring you to the place that I have prepared. Give him reverence and listen to all that he says… My angel will go before you.” (Book of Exodus 23:20-23)
Let us pray Go back and pray the Cafod harvest fast day…
Thursday 3 rd October 2013 Reader:Jesus said: Whenever you go into a town where they make you welcome, eat what is set before you. Cure those in it who are sick, and say ‘The Kingdom of God is very near to you. (Gospel of Luke 10:9)
Let us pray Go back and pray the Cafod fast day prayer… Pray for all who will gather together for the Diocesan Secondary Head teachers Conference
Friday 4 th October St Francis of Assisi and CAFOD FAST DAY Reader:“You will show me the path of life, the fullness of joy in your presence. At your right hand happiness for ever.” (Psalm 15)
Let us pray Lord Jesus, you shared bread and fish with the crowds, and satisfied their hunger. Bring us together as one family! Inspire us to care for each other, and to share with one another. And keep this desire alive in our hearts until our world resounds with justice. Amen.
Pray for Pope Francis on his Feast Day. Today he is travelling to pray at the tomb of St Francis in Assisi. He will celebrate Mass with the Franciscan Friars and eat his lunch with the poor in a homeless shelter that they run.