WHAT IS THE FYE? New collaboration among Student Affairs and academic staff to provide support for improving freshman student success and retention
FYE FACULTY WORKING GROUP ParticipantProgramParticipantProgram Virginia Adan-LifanteForeign languagesHeather LanserMerritt Writing Program Michael DawsonEvolutionary Biology, Ecology & Marine Science Kelvin LwinComputor Science & Engineering Robin DeLuganAnthropologyCarrie MenkePhysics Kamal DuliaBiologyAdriana SignoriniCenter for Research on Teaching Excellence Robin GeeryMerritt Writing ProgramElinor TordaForeign Languages Program Catherine GilbertBiologyAngela WinkeyMerritt Writing Program Petia GueorguievaChemistry
FYE FACULTY WORKING GROUP Increase success of first year students by supporting instructional faculty & staff Used Statistics Identified student challenges Identified co- curricular strategies Identified campus resources Outreach
DID YOU KNOW? Half of our freshmen are passing their classes at midterm. How can we reach the other half? Most students spend only 1/3 of the recommended time studying… Want to change this? Faculty can help.
PREDICTOR OF ACADEMIC SUCCESS For many students, the strongest predictor of academic success is faculty contact class attendance
UC MERCED FIRST-YEAR RETENTION RATES YearRetention Rate % % % % % % % % Source:UC Merced data from IPA UC Average from UC Average = 92%
FRESHMAN DEMOGRAPHICS* A language other than English spoken at home:63% First-generation college student:69% Low income (eligible for Pell Grants):62% Source:UC Merced IPA 2013 data *these demographics are unique to our campus, as compared to other UC campuses, and are not meant to imply causation or correlation with low mid-semester scores.
STUDENT PERCEPTIONS OF THEIR ACADEMIC SKILLS AND PREPARATION Are ambitious and have been successful to get here. 64% intend to earn a Masters or Doctoral degree 91% expect to get B’s or higher this year Want support 89% indicated that it was important or very important for the “institution to provide support to help you academically succeed” According to BCSSNE 2012, University of California Merced
STUDENT PERCEPTIONS AND STUDENT ACTUAL EXPERIENCE Typically ~50% of our freshmen are earning at least one grade of D+ or lower at mid-semester each fall. Source:E. Boretz, Director of the Calvin E. Bright Success Center
FRESHMAN PREPAREDNESS “How prepared are you to do the following in your academic work at this college?” Indicated Very Prepared or Prepared Write clearly and effectively40% Speak clearly and effectively43% Think critically and analytically47% Analyze math or quantitative problems39% Use computer and information technology49% Work effectively with others69% Learn effectively on your own58% Faculty can help According to BCSSNE 2012, University of California Merced
STUDENT SELF REPORTED TIME SPENT ON ACTIVITIES Respondents to the 2012 University of California Undergraduate Experience student survey reported spending the most hours per week, on average, at the following activities: Attending class/lab 17 hours* Studying/doing homework 13 hours Using computer or smart phone (non-academic) 12 hours Socializing with friends 10 hours Mean calculate from : 0=0, 1-5=4, 6-10=14, 11-15=28, 16-20=27, 21-25=15, 26-30=7, 30+=6
HOW ARE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS USING THEIR TIME IN COMPARISON TO THEIR EXPECTATIONS PRIOR TO ARRIVING AT THE UNIVERSITY? How many hours spent in a typical 7 day week? BCSSE/ Expected First Year Reported in High School UCUES / First Year Reported during college 0-10 hrs/wk11-20 hrs/wk20+ hrs/wk0-10 hrs/wk11-20 hrs/wk20+ hrs/wk Preparing for class (academic activities) 11%38%51%30%45%25% Participating in co- curricular activities 55%36%9%86%10%4% Relaxing and socializing71%24%5%79%13%8%
POTENTIAL AY14-15 THEMES Teamwork: Collaborating successfully Providing and receiving constructive feedback The SATAL (Students Assessing Teaching and Learning) provide workshops covering both of these topics. See the details at