Bridlewood Primary School Calculation and Croissants Parent Workshop 17 th October 2014
Aims To explain how we teach your children +, -, x and ÷. To give you ideas of how you can help your children at home.
How did you solve these? = = 46x22= 154÷7=
Maths lessons Emphasis on mental calculation Children are encouraged to work mentally, using jottings to support their thinking Encouraged to use more formal written methods only for calculations they can not solve in their heads Maths through problem solving
By the end of Key Stage 2 we want your children to… Recall key number facts e.g all +/- facts for each number to 10, times tables, number bonds Have good understanding of the 4 operations Have an efficient, reliable method of calculation for each operation Apply what they know Use a calculator effectively
Adding Practically
Addition Encouraging children to put the biggest number in their head and count on with fingers
Use of a number line Addition 6+5= Use of a 100 square 34+12=
Addition by partitioning = Your Turn 56+43=
Addition using a blank number line 45+34= Your Turn! 85+44
Addition The Extended Method Your turn =
Addition- Standard Written Method = We will extend further with larger numbers and decimals
3-2= Taking away practically.
Use of a number line/100 square 12-6=
Subtraction using a blank number line 62 – 26 = Your turn! 78-44= If the numbers are far apart, count back. If they are close together, count on.
Subtraction 676 – 34 = For this problem, you could also use this method: =
Subtraction- Standard Written Method = By year 6, the children will mostly be using the traditional borrowing method.
Reception First of all, count in 2’s and then repeat by counting in 10’s.
Multiplication- repeated addition xx x 3x5= (3 groups of 5) xx x xx x = 15
Times tables By end of Year 2 children should know x2,x5,x10 Practise counting in 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s, 10’s Matching pairs (question on one card, answer on another) Musical times tables
Multiplication using a blank number line 4x3= Your turn - 6x8=
Multiplication by partitioning 32x3= Mentally solve this calculation by: 30 x 3 = 90 2 x 3 = = 96 Your turn - 45x6=
Grid Method 32x7= 33x22= Your turn! - 34x23=
Multiplication-Standard Written Method 352x27= 352 x (352x7) 7040 (352x20)
Division ÷
Reception Sharing items equally into given groups 6÷2=
Division Sharing The children are sharing out into a known number of groups but how many in each group is unknown, 12÷3= 12 apples are shared into 3 baskets. How many apples are in each basket? ÷
Division – KS1 ÷
Division using a blank number line 25÷5= 5 (How many groups of 5 are there in 25?) ÷ Your turn - 24÷6
Division- Chunking 96÷6= Fact Box 1x6=6 2x6=12 5x6=30 10x6=60 20x6=120 50x6= x6=600 (How many groups of 6 are there in 96?)
Your Turn! Fact Box 1 x 9 = 9 2 x 9 = 18 5 x 9 = x 9 = x 9 = x 9 = x 9 = ÷9=58
Long Division 105 ÷ 5
How you can support your child Look for and talk about numbers in the environment Play games Shopping Counting on/back Number bonds Doubles/Halves Times tables Division facts
Websites number.shtmlhttp:// number.shtml