Lynne Murphy29 October 2004 First year Linguistics and English Language at Sussex
Lynne Murphy29 October 2004 Two degree subjects English Language no particular A-levels req’d ABB/360 tariff points (3A, 1AS) single major joint major English Education Studies European Humanities French, German, Italian, Spanish* Film Studies (English) Literature Linguistics TESOL major/minor Film French, German, Italian, Spanish* Linguistics no particular A-levels req’d BBB/340 tariff points (3A, 1AS) single major joint major English Language Cognitive Science French, German, Italian, Spanish* Contemporary European Studies European Humanities Philosophy TESOL major/minor Cognitive Science French, German, Italian, Spanish*
Lynne Murphy29 October 2004 Two core course offerings * = English Language & Linguistics joint degree bold = double weighted or year-long courses English Language Year 1: The Making of English* Language & Style Current Soc’l Issues in EL* Year 2:Structure of EL I: Grammar Structure of EL II: Semx/Prax (x2 opt)Socio, Psycho & Cogn Lx* Year 3: Modern English Pronunciation English World Wide* (x2 opt)Psycho, Discourse, Cogn Research project Linguistics Year 1: Approaches to Meaning* Approaches to Grammar Approaches to Pronunciation Language in Society Year 2:Grammar* Semantics and Pragmatics* Phonology* (x2 opt)Socio, Psycho or Cogn Lx* Year 3: Linguistic Typology(*) Historical Linguistics* (x 2 opt)Psycho, socio, discourse, cogn* Research project
Lynne Murphy29 October 2004 Challenges we face All 1st year (& many subsequent) courses include non-majors All EL/Lx students don’t take same courses, due to joint prgrms Mix of students w/ & w/o EL A level (both degrees) Results in some ‘review’ for A level takers Little uniformity of bkgrnd knwldg, even for those w/ EL A lvl General student fear of ‘science’, ‘grammar’, ‘maths’ General student ignorance of notions like ‘noun’, ‘passive’ etc. Lack of academic skills appropriate to uni level Offering two full programmes w/ only 6 permanent faculty Recent increases in intake, shift to larger teaching groups
Lynne Murphy29 October 2004 Tackling the challenges 1st year Lx courses integrate descriptive, theoretical and applied approaches to lexical semantics, grammar & phonology 1st year EL courses emphasise links to literature & social issues—following familiar ground from most A-level experiences Original research tackled from the start (e.g., Adopt-a-Word) Portfolio assessment, including written work, presentations, course participation, etc. Where possible, including feedback/revision of written work. Institution of ‘skills curriculum’ (including ‘remedial’ grammar) Fantastic associate tutors
Lynne Murphy29 October 2004 The skills curriculum Sponsored by small University Teaching/Learning Devt grant Identify academic, professional, & subject-specific skills needed ID appropriate places in curriculum for delivery of skills teaching Develop seminar/tutorial/handbook materials for skills T/L Develop interest/enthusiasm/commitment/confidence in teaching skills
Lynne Murphy29 October 2004 Skills to be delivered in Year 1 Planning/giving presentations* Dictionary awareness/skills, using OED on-line* Peer-editing* Referencing, plagiarism avoidance, web literacy(*) Word processing for Grammar (Lx 1, EL 2) Word processing for Phonology (Lx 1, EL 3) Part-of-speech workshop* Essay writing (*) (Lx through writing/feedback/revision) (Negotiating group work)
Lynne Murphy29 October 2004 For more information…