Using SIMS for Primary Assessment
Current Status Tracking resources and tools allow the tracking, analysis and reporting of pupil achievement in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Schools can develop their own assessment resources Statutory resources provided to record data for statutory returns at Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
Generic Assessment Training Assessment Manager Primary Tracking Pupil Progress Training course available for schools to create their own resources:
Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Data Collection
Detailed templates Summary templates Capita provide templates to collect data at end of Year R for statutory submission through EYFS Wizard EYFS Statutory
EYFS Statutory Detailed Templates Allows for entry of teacher comment which can then be reported on Calculate score for each Assessment Scale based on data entry for individual Scale Points
EYFS Statutory Detailed Templates
EYFS – Statutory Summary Templates Calculation of overall score for Strands (PSE / CLL / PSRN) and entire EYFS Profile Scores for each Assessment Scale entered directly or pulled in from Detailed Templates
EYFS – Statutory Summary Templates
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years
Calculate progress term on term Comparison with national benchmarks Termly Report for Parents Tracking grids for group and individual level analysis Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years Detailed termly tracking in Year R and Autumn and Spring Terms of Year 1 (if required)
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years Attainment automatically copied through to next term Validation checks to ensure EYFS strategy followed EyeProfile scores can be imported Detailed templates record attainment for each Assessment Scale Point
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years
Results are automatically available within the EYFS Wizard for statutory data submission Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years Summer term templates use the Early Years Foundation Stage result set
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years 6 points or more in all Assessment Scales for PSE and CLL Strands EYFS Profile score of 78 points or more plus 6 points or more in PSE/CLL Attainment can be measured against national benchmarks:
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years 6 points or more in each Assessment Scale 6 points or more in all Assessment Scales EYFS Profile score of 78 points Attainment can be measured against other benchmarks:
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years
Where a pupil is not assessed in consecutive terms they will be given a grade of N/A Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years Review marksheets for each Assessment Scale and overall EYFS Profile Pupils given a progress grade (Y/N)
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years
Allows for easy analysis of performance of the group and generation of graphs Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years Grade distribution can be generated within Review marksheets
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years
Filters can be saved and then used throughout the school Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years Group filters can be used in all marksheets to allow tracking of vulnerable groups
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years
Data pulled through from other modules in SIMS such as attendance and the core pupil record Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years Additional student information can be added to marksheets
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years
Report design can be modified / formatted by schools to include school logo etc Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years Individual Report template for termly reporting to parents
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years
Tracking grids allow analysis of group and individual pupil attainment and progress as well as measurement against targets / benchmarks Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years EyeProfile results can be imported Schools may choose to use Eyeprofile for detailed assessment and SIMS for analysis and reporting
Tracking Pupil Progress in the Early Years Training course launch in Term 4 Resources will be available from training course
Key Stage 1 & 2 Statutory Data Submission
KS1 & KS2 Statutory Data Submission Wizards for easy completion of marksheets, generation of reports and export of results Capita resources designed to meet national standards in terms of progress expectations Capita provide KS1 and KS2 templates to collect information for statutory submission
Marksheets with the appropriate range of grades Reports including comparison with national in previous year Tools to export results and upload reports to pupil records Capita provide updated wizards for each year: KS1 & KS2 Statutory Data Submission
Appropriate wizard is selected KS1 & KS2 Statutory Data Submission
Appropriate group of pupils selected KS1 & KS2 Statutory Data Submission
Marksheets provided for data entry KS1 & KS2 Statutory Data Submission
Reports can be generated KS1 & KS2 Statutory Data Submission
Reports can be uploaded and attached to pupil records KS1 & KS2 Statutory Data Submission
Tracking Pupil Progress KS1 & KS2
CES Tracking Progress Resources (KS1&2) Year 2 onwards provide “Expected” target based on prior attainment using national standards of progress School sets own target which may be based on the Expected Marksheets to record annual target and termly teacher assessment in core subjects
YearExpected Progress Y22 sublevels (4 points) Y31 sublevel (2 points) Y42 sublevels (4 points) Y52 sublevels (4 points) Y61 sublevel (2 points) KS1-212 points / 2 whole levels CES Tracking Progress Resources (KS1&2)
Formula applies “Traffic lighting” to identify whether pupils are on, above or below their school target Additional formula columns display the points difference between the teacher assessment and the school target Termly assessments recorded for Autumn, Spring and Summer CES Tracking Progress Resources (KS1&2)
Comment column for end of year which can be included in report to parents Summer progress grade of +, - or = awarded dependent on whether pupil meets school target CES Tracking Progress Resources (KS1&2)
Summary allows you to see average level for the group of pupils displayed in the marksheet Additional information about pupils can be added as columns to marksheets CES Tracking Progress Resources (KS1&2)
Grade distribution graphs provide quick analysis of group performance Group Filters allow tracking of vulnerable groups CES Tracking Progress Resources (KS1&2)
English - calculate English level using mean of Reading, Writing and Speaking & Listening Combined English & Maths - calculate whether a child is “on track” to meet national attainment Additional marksheets for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6: CES Tracking Progress Resources (KS1&2)
CES Tracking Progress Resources
Conversion marksheets for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 will pick up the summer teacher assessment and copy into the statutory wizard KS1 – English & Maths KS2 - English CES Tracking Progress Resources (KS1&2)
EIS have developed templates to calculate points progress (available on our website) CES Tracking Progress Resources (KS1&2)
Autumn to Summer term in each year (all subjects)
CES Tracking Progress Resources (KS1&2) Summer to summer and points progress from KS1 (Y3 onwards) in all subjects
Templates can be amended to include school logo etc and be formatted as required Termly report templates are provided CES Tracking Progress Resources (KS1&2)
Autumn and Spring contain levels and targets
CES Tracking Progress Resources (KS1&2) Summer also contains comments
Group Result Set Comparison of input / output (eg. Year 2 summer / Year 3 summer) Tracking grid templates allow for analysis of pupil attainment by: CES Tracking Progress Resources (KS1&2)
Training courses available now: Tracking Pupil Progress Tracking marksheets available in SIMS Report templates available from training course CES Tracking Progress Resources (KS1&2)
Predicting KS2 Attainment
Comparison with national progression Calculations showing points progress from KS1 as well as whether pupil likely to attain Level 4+ or 5+ Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment Resources to make annual predictions in Autumn term for KS2, based on current attainment (Y3 onwards)
“Prediction” calculated by adding previous Summer TA and set number of points that are achievable by end KS2 Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment KS1 TA used to generate an “Expectation” of 2 whole levels progress by end of KS2
Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment YearAmount of Points Y3toY612 pts progress (6 sublevels/2 whole levels) Y4toY610 pts progress (5 sublevels) Y5toY66 pts progress (3 sublevels/1 whole level) Y62 pts (1 sublevel) * Can set the amount of points in school
Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment
Points difference KS1 to Prediction Grades of Y/N awarded if Prediction: 12+ points progress from KS1 Level 4+ Level 5+ Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment Formula column to calculate:
Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment
Where a Prediction falls below that of the previous year it will be highlighted in red Teacher assessments also displayed Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment Review marksheets for each subject display all predictions
Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment
English marksheet generates Prediction and Expectation based on mean of reading, writing and speaking & listening
Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment
Combined English & Maths looks both subjects and whether predicted to achieve level 4+ or 5+ in both Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment
All Subject marksheets display results for all core subjects
Where the Prediction APS falls below the Expection APS (national benchmark), this is highlighted in red Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment Average Points Score (APS) marksheets calculate a Prediction and an Expection APS
Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment
Grade awarded (Y/N) if Prediction is greater than or equal to FFT Estimate Conversion marksheet will convert FFT decimal levels to NC sublevels Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment Marksheets provide comparison of Prediction with FFT Band D
Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment
Summary allows you to see average level for the group Grade distribution provides numerical or graphical information Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment Additional information about pupils can be added as columns
Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment
Tracking grids allow analysis of individual pupil attainment and progress as well as measurement against targets / benchmarks Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment
Report design can be modified by schools to include comments entered by teaching staff in marksheets Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment Individual Report template allow for annual reporting to parents
Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment
Training course launch in Term 4 Resources will be available from training course Predicting Key Stage 2 Attainment
Flow of Data EYFS to KS2