Tradesmann 56 year old historical business model
Tradesmann Serves more than 600 selective essential products to common masses
Tradesmann Identifies and trade in products those appreciate in value And are not perishable
Tradesmann Added more than 80 brand new products during last one year
Tradesmann ANOTHER 100 brand new products WILL BE ADDED during the current year
Tradesmann Owns more than 100 Brands
Tradesmann Not dependant on others brand and holds to market leadership brands
Tradesmann Manufacturing Products Contribute MORE THAN 35% To the revenue
Tradesmann Largest producer & market leader in steel BHW CONTRIBUTING 10% to the revenue
Tradesmann high duty trading products ARE CONVERTED TO manufacturing
Tradesmann Majority of the products has the potential to grow more than 48% during each year
Tradesmann Established with Over 300 longstanding local & foreign suppliers with direct access to factories
Tradesmann 7 strategically designed independent business units to cater all sectors
Tradesmann 56 year old door-door distribution system
Tradesmann Sells to more than 15,000 wholesale & retail outlets island-wide
Tradesmann Proven credit control system which extends unsecured credits & manages within 0.25% doubtful debts
Tradesmann Revenue has grown more than 30% each year
Tradesmann present infrastructure is built To accommodate revenue of more than $100m
Tradesmann Longstanding stable management with a young Corp Management team
Tradesmann Landed properties in strategic location for future AIO concept
Tradesmann Investor will generate profit from day one
Tradesmann Sri Lanka is a safe investment heaven and unexploited developing country
Tradesmann The ideal Business model to enter Sri Lanka market also to venture into giant House hold & Building material AIO supermarket chain (An unexploited area)
Tradesmann A business model with synergy to be cloned globally
© Tradesmann THANK YOU