7 CHAPTER Member Opportunities and Awards Chapter Overview The FFA Degree Ladder H.O. Sargent Member Award Agriscience Scholarships Career Development Events Commodity Marketing Challenge Member Opportunities and Awards Chapter Selection
Chapter State Greenhand American Discovery C H A P T E R S E V E N The FFA Leadership Cup Chapter State American Greenhand FFA provides a series of degrees through which you’ll be recognized for your progress in leadership, agricultural education and your SAE program. At the chapter level you can receive the Greenhand Degree and the Chapter FFA Degree. Your state association presents you with the State FFA Degree and the National FFA Organization confers the prestigious American FFA Degree! Discovery
Discovery C H A P T E R S E V E N Discovery FFA Degree FFA Discovery Degree Requirements Enrollment in a grade 7 or 8 agricultural class Payment of membership dues Participation in at least one FFA activity outside of class time Awareness of agricultural opportunities Familiarity with the chapter’s Program of Activities Discovery FFA Degree Discovery The Discovery Degree is an optional degree granted to middle school/junior high members based on FFA membership and knowledge gained through seventh and eighth grade agricultural education programs. To earn this degree, you must be a paid FFA member and complete the requirements on page 92 of the FFA Student Manual. Open the Discovery Degree Checklist
Greenhand C H A P T E R S E V E N Greenhand FFA Degree The first ingredient for success is the Greenhand FFA Degree. It is for first-year members and requires you to demonstrate knowledge of FFA history, the FFA Creed, the motto and salute, and other general FFA information. When you meet the requirements for the Greenhand Degree you will be presented with a bronze pin during a chapter ceremony. Each year a Star Greenhand is awarded to the first year member who is most active and demonstrates leadership ability! Greenhand When you receive your Greenhand FFA pin wear it on your FFA jacket below your name. Open the Greenhand Degree Checklist
Open the Chapter FFA Degree Checklist* C H A P T E R S E V E N Chapter FFA Degree The Chapter FFA Degree pin is made of silver and is placed under the name on your FFA jacket, replacing the bronze Greenhand Pin. After you have completed at least two semesters of agriculture course work, you may be eligible for the second degree in the achievement cup-the Chapter FFA Degree. This is the highest degree that a chapter can award to its members and is usually awarded during the second or third year of membership. As with the Greenhand Degree, the chapter will hold a special ceremony to award qualifying members the Chapter FFA Degree. Chapter Open the Chapter FFA Degree Checklist*
Open the State FFA Degree Checklist* C H A P T E R S E V E N The State FFA Degree charm is made of gold and is worn either above the name on your jacket or on a standard key chain and replaces the Chapter FFA Degree. State FFA Degree The State FFA Degree is the next opportunity on the FFA Achievement Cup and is granted by your State FFA Association. As with the previous two degrees, there are minimum requirements to meet. To increase competition for the degree some states limit the number of degrees presented to the membership. This restriction should encourage you to not only meet but exceed the minimum requirements. Just as your chapter annually selects a Chapter Star Farmer and Star Agribusiness Awards the state associations select a State Star Farmer and Agribusiness member. State Open the State FFA Degree Checklist*
Open the American FFA Degree Checklist* C H A P T E R S E V E N American American FFA Degree The final ingredient in the FFA Achievement Cup is the American FFA Degree. The National FFA Organization raises only its most outstanding members to this level. Attaining the American FFA Degree requires a solid commitment to agriculture and the FFA. It is an excellent goal to strive for. The American FFA Degree key is made of gold and is worn either above the name on your jacket or on a standard key chain, replacing the State FFA Degree charm. Open the American FFA Degree Checklist*
Agri-Entrepreneurship Awards C H A P T E R S E V E N Agri-Entrepreneurship Awards The Agri-Entrepreneurship Awards recognize members who excel in the FFA Agri-Entrepreneurship program. This program focuses on entrepreneurship-the values, requirements, and challenges of owning your own business. Would you like to be a entrepreneur in agriculture? Find out more about the FFA Agri-Entreprenuership Awards in National FFA Online at, http://www.ffa.org.
C H A P T E R S E V E N H.O. Sargent H.O. Sargent Dr. H.O. Sargent, 1875-1936 The New Farmers of America was begun at the suggestion of Dr. H. O. Sargent, Federal Agent for Agricultural Education for African Americans, U. S. Office of Education, Washington D.C., who believed that the time was ripe for an organization of African American agricultural students similar to the Future Farmers of Virginia. Dr. Sargent's advocacy of an organization for African H.O. Sargent American agricultural students, signified their desire to establish similar groups and were supplied with details concerning the New Farmers of Virginia as well as with copies of its constitution and by-laws.
National FFA Agriscience Fair C H A P T E R S E V E N National FFA Agriscience Fair The National FFA Agriscience Fair recognizes FFA members who are studying the application of scientific principles and emerging technologies in agriculture. Competition is open to all FFA members in grades 7-12. There are divisions for individuals in grades 7-9 and grades 10-12. Agriscience is the fastest-growing career area in agriculture and employs 28.8 percent of agriculturists. Agriscience Student Of The Year Award The Agriscience Student of the Year Award recognizes FFA member’s agriscience projects. First you develop a scientific project that involves agriculture. Then you write a report that describe the methods and technologies used.
C H A P T E R S E V E N Scholarships Each year the National FFA Organization awards more than 1 million in scholarships to members. There are many different types of scholarships to fit the many types of FFA members. The scholarships are sponsored by numerous agricultural businesses through the National FFA Foundation, and new scholarships are added every year.
C H A P T E R S E V E N FFA offers many different awards and activities that you can choose from. Whether your specialty is agriscience, horticulture, marketing, farm and ranch management, public speaking, or raising livestock, you can win awards at the local, state, and national levels. These award programs give you the opportunity to apply what you have learned in the classroom. By participating in the activities, you’ll meet new friends, face new challenges in competitive events, and become eligible for more awards than you can imagine.
C H A P T E R S E V E N Proficiency Awards The Proficiency Awards Program is based on your SAE program and is the most diverse award program FFA offers. Proficiency Awards are split into two general categories, Entrepreneurship and Placement. Proficiency awards are split into two general categories, Entrepreneurship and Placement. If you work for someone else whether for payment or experience, at school or off campus, you’re eligible for the placement awards. If you own your business or agricultural production enterprise, you’re eligible for the Entrepreneurship awards. Based on SAE programs, this is one of the most diverse award categories offered by FFA. Whether you start your own small business, are employed in agribusiness, or produce agricultural commodities, almost every possible SAE program is covered in one of the proficiency areas.
C H A P T E R S E V E N Proficiency Areas Your SAE program, and thus your proficiency award area, should reflect your occupational goals. For more information refer to Chapter 7 in the FFA Student Handbook
C H A P T E R S E V E N Proficiency Areas
C H A P T E R S E V E N Proficiency Areas Be sure to take pictures “before” and “after” for your SAE. Visit farms or businesses to get ideas on how to improve and develop your program. Plan long range goals and work to attain them. 4. Keep Accurate Records: You can have the best SAE in the world, but no one will know it unless you keep track of your accomplishments in your record book. Your records are a measurement of your success in proficiency areas. 5. Complete Your Proficiency Application: Appearance is important. Prepare a neat, computer generated or typewritten application. Check for spelling, mount pictures neatly, and most of all, FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS. Think about which area you are interested in most, and select those areas in which you want to succeed. There are some basic guidelines for success. Below are the steps to follow! 1. Plan: What is your situation now? What do you want to achieve?What are your goals? 2. Learn: Talk to people with programs similar to what you want. Read magazine articles covering your interests and work with your advisor(s). 3. Perform: Take one year’s activities at a time and gradually build your program according to your goals.
C H A P T E R S E V E N Commodity Marketing Activity The Commodity Marketing Activity is an activity conducted for six week periods each spring and fall. CMA integrated real life with the classroom experience, which helps students gain a practical knowledge of the business world. CMA creates a model that may consist of: corn, soybeans, wheat, soybean meal, cattle, hogs, and milk Team members decide when to buy and sell these products to achieve the greatest economic gain. Winners are determined by combining the team’s trading and final exam scores. The team from each participating state that achieves the highest combined score is awarded the State Winner’s Plaque. The team with the highest overall score in the nation receives a cash award. Chapter Selections