Outcomes, Impact and Challenges– Quality Jannie Jacobsz HEQC Conference University of Zululand October 2008
Intelligence Internal Programme Evaluation (IPE) External Programme Evaluation (EPE)(Peers) Systems, Policies, Procedures (Implementation& Review) National Reviews/ Professional Bodies Impact Planning Resource allocation Support Services Self Evaluation Support Services Peer Review Academic Programme Alignment/ Reconfiguration Improvement Findings/Data/ Reports Information/AnalysisIntelligence Value added += Subject-in- Programme Evaluation Quality Manuals
IMPACT Human Capacity in Quality Office Review of all policies, procedures and evaluation instruments Quality Policy Quality Manuals (also Quality Office – well documented processes and procedures) Valuable data from IPE/EPE/National Reviews/Professional Body Reviews. Partially reflected in Institutional Plan. Collaboration between campuses (Academic Programme Alignment) Quality Newsletter (in 4 languages)
CHALLENGES Improve influence on all campuses Gaps Management (+-200 specified gaps) Manage the risks associated with the gaps Finalise undergraduate academic programme alignment Start with post graduate programme alignment Follow-up visits after EPE with outcome of “needs improvement” (Capacity) Linking quality and planning (Ad hoc). Streamline collaboration between campuses Succession Planning for staff
A Final word… Thank you for the funding awarded to the NWU. The capacity that was created by means of this funding made a huge impact! Kiitos