USMA ADMISSIONS The Premier Institution for Leader Development
USMA ADMISSIONS Mission To educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country; professional growth throughout a career as an officer in the United States Army; and a lifetime of selfless service to the Nation.
USMA ADMISSIONS The West Point Experience Military Academy Honor Code Senior Class Responsible for Leadership Summer Training Broad Academic Experience Activities Financial Independence Career Opportunities
USMA ADMISSIONS The Honor Code A Cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.
USMA ADMISSIONS Elements of Excellence Whole Person Development –Leadership –Education –Small Classes, Excellent Faculty –Spiritual and Physical Development Academic Achievement –Rhodes, Hertz, and Marshall Scholars –90% with Graduate Degrees Support System –Admissions Participants –Sponsor Program –Parents Clubs –West Point Societies
USMA ADMISSIONS Scholarships/Fellowships RHODESMARSHALLHERTZ (SINCE 1923)(SINCE 1983)(SINCE 1969) Harvard295Harvard88MIT96 Yale200Princeton48Stanford62 USMA37 Princeton182Yale34USMA37 USMA74 USMA74Stanford33 Princeton37 Stanford68 MIT 31Harvard31 ::Brown 27USAFA26 USMA18 USNA33 USMA18 :: USAFA32 ::Yale13 USNA11USNA8 USAFA 4
USMA ADMISSIONS Military Program FOURTH CLASS YEAR 6-Week Cadet Basic Training New Cadets formally accepted into the Corps General Military Instruction SECOND CLASS YEAR Drill Cadet Leader Training Second Class Detail Specialty Training, e.g. Air Assault, Airborne, Mountain Warfare, etc.. Individual Advanced Development Military Leadership Courses FIRST CLASS YEAR Cadet Troop Leader Training First Class Detail Corps Leadership Individual Advanced Development Military Leadership Courses THIRD CLASS YEAR 8-Week Military Field Training Camp Buckner, NY Fort Knox, KY Combined Arms Operations General Military Instruction
USMA ADMISSIONS Academic Program 9 Electives for Field of Study / Electives for Major 1 Philosophy/Ethics 2 Foreign Language 3 Social Sciences 2 Leadership 3 English 4 History 1 Law 5 Engineering Science/Design 1 Computer Science 1 Terrain Analysis 2 Chemistry 2 Physics 4 Math 16 Sem Crs Humanities and Social Science 15 Sem Crs Math, Science, & Engineering 4 Military Science4 Physical Education The Core Field of Study Required; Major is Optional
USMA ADMISSIONS FRESHMAN YEARSOPHOMORE YEARFIRST TERM English Composition Foreign Language ChemistryAmerican Politics MathematicsPhilosophy HistoryMathematics PsychologyPhysicsPhysical EducationSECOND TERM LiteratureForeign Language ChemistryEconomics Computer ScienceMathematics MathematicsPhysics HistoryTerrain AnalysisPhysical EducationMilitary Science Typical Academic Program
USMA ADMISSIONS JUNIOR YEARSENIOR YEAR FIRST TERM Engineering ScienceEngineering Design Engineering ScienceConstitutional Law International RelationsElective Military HistoryElectiveElectivePhysical EducationSECOND TERM Engineering ScienceEngineering Design Military HistoryElective English Elective Military LeadershipElectiveElectivePhysical EducationMilitary Science Typical Academic Program
USMA ADMISSIONS Academic Program Math-Science-Engineering = MAJORS Applied Science & Engineering Basic Sciences Interdisciplinary Chemistry and Life Science Civil Engineering Computer Science Electrical Engineering Engineering Management* Engineering Physics* Environmental Engineering* Environmental Science Geography Information Systems Eng.* Mathematical Science Mechanical Engineering Nuclear Engineering Operations Research Physics Systems Engineering * = No field of study offered
USMA ADMISSIONS Academic Program Humanities & Social Sciences American Legal System Art, Philosophy and Literature Behavioral Sciences Economics Foreign Area Studies Foreign Languages Geography History Leadership and Management Military Art and Science Political Science = MAJORS
USMA ADMISSIONS Typical Day for a Cadet MORNING 6:55 -Breakfast Formation 7:00 -7:30Breakfast 7:35 -11:45Class or Study (four periods) AFTERNOON 12:10 -12:40Lunch 12:45 -1:40Commandant’s Hour or Dean’s Hour 1:50 -3:50Class or Study (two periods) 4:10 -5:45Intramural, club or intercollegiate athletics; drill & ceremonies; extracurricular activities; or free time EVENING 6:30 -7:15Supper (optional except Thursday) 7:15 -7:30Cadet Duties (overlap with optional supper) 7:30 -8:30Study time or extracurricular activities 8:30 -11:30Study time 11:30 -Taps 12:00 -Lights Out Cadets are very busy!!
USMA ADMISSIONS ACADEMIC ABILITY 60% PHYSICAL APTITUDE 10% Whole Candidate Concept West Point seeks well-rounded young people who demonstrate excellent academic ability, leadership potential, and physical aptitude. CADET LEADERSHIP POTENTIAL 30%
USMA ADMISSIONS Evaluation Process ACADEMIC (60%) –High School Rank –SAT and/or ACT –Transcript LEADERSHIP (30%) –Extracurricular Activities –Athletic Participation –Faculty Appraisals PHYSICAL APTITUDE EXAMINATION (10%) –Pull-ups/Flexed-arm Hang –Basketball Throw (kneeling position) –Standing Long Jump –300 Yard Shuttle Run –Push-up
USMA ADMISSIONS Academic Preparation English4 Years Mathematics4 Years (including Trigonometry and PreCalculus) Laboratory Science2 Years Foreign Language2 Years United States History1 Year Computer Science1 Year
USMA ADMISSIONS Cadet profile: Class of 2004 Top 20% of High School Class % Valedictorians % Salutatorians % National Merit Scholarship Recognition % National Honor Society % Boys/Girls State % Class or Student Body President % Scouting Participant % Eagle Scout or Gold Award Winner % Varsity Letter Winners % Team Captain % Mean SAT: Verbal - 621, Math Mean ACT: English - 27, Math - 28, Sci/Reas - 27, Reading /12/97
USMA ADMISSIONS SPRING OF JUNIOR YEAR WINTER OF SENIOR YEAR JULY OF YEAR OF ADMISSION TIME OF ACTION 13,000 5,000 2,500 1,150 NUMBER OF CANDIDATES Determine whether you meet the basic requirements Report as a Cadet Complete USMA Forms Start a File at West Point Apply for a Nomination Await evaluation and status Obtain nomination STEPS TO WEST POINT THE ADMISSIONS PROCESS Visit West Point Complete testing
USMA ADMISSIONS Step 1: Basic Requirements Legal Requirements: –17-22 years old –United States Citizen –Unmarried –Not pregnant; with no legal obligation to support a child Leadership –Demonstrated leadership in school, community, church, scouts, etc. Academic Qualifications: –Above average High School or College academic record –Strong performance on ACT/SAT Medical Qualifications: –Good physical and mental health –Pass a Qualifying Medical Exam Physical Qualifications: –Above average strength, endurance, and agility –Good performance on Physical Aptitude Exam
USMA ADMISSIONS SPRING OF JUNIOR YEAR WINTER OF SENIOR YEAR JULY OF YEAR OF ADMISSION TIME OF ACTION 13,000 5,000 2,500 1,150 NUMBER OF CANDIDATES Determine whether you meet the basic requirements Report as a Cadet Complete USMA Forms Start a File at West Point Apply for a Nomination Await evaluation and status Obtain nomination STEPS TO WEST POINT THE ADMISSIONS PROCESS Visit West Point Complete testing Start Early!!
USMA ADMISSIONS Congressional Nomination: Determined by nominating source OK District 4: Congressman J.C. Watts Service-Connected Nomination: Nomination by the Secretary of the Armyfor eligible applicants Step 2: Apply for a Nomination
USMA ADMISSIONS Step 2: Apply for a Nomination Congressional Each Member of Congress is authorized five (5) cadetships at West Point at any one time. Each Member may nominate up to ten (10) young people to fill each vacant cadetship. The Vice President has five (5) cadetships for applicants from the United States at large. * Contact Congressional offices early; each member has his/her own time schedule & process (typically early November in Oklahoma)
USMA ADMISSIONS Step 2: Apply for a Nomination Service-Connected Presidential: Sons and daughters of career military personnel Regular Army & Reserve Components ROTC Schools Sons & daughters of deceased & disabled veterans Sons & daughters of Medal of Honor awardees
USMA ADMISSIONS Step 3: Open a file Request application –letter –phone – /www –business reply card from: “Path to Success” brochure poster catalog direct mail Receive a Prospectus Return the PreCandidate Questionnaire Timing is Important!!
USMA ADMISSIONS SPRING OF JUNIOR YEAR WINTER OF SENIOR YEAR JULY OF YEAR OF ADMISSION TIME OF ACTION 13,000 5,000 2,500 1,150 NUMBER OF CANDIDATES Determine whether you meet the basic requirements Report as a Cadet Complete USMA Forms Start a File at West Point Apply for a Nomination Await evaluation and status Obtain nomination STEPS TO WEST POINT THE ADMISSIONS PROCESS Visit West Point Complete testing
USMA ADMISSIONS Step 4: Complete USMA Forms Personal Data Record Request for Transcript School Official Evaluations –Math –English –Chemistry or Physics Activities Record Essay / Candidate Statement
USMA ADMISSIONS SPRING OF JUNIOR YEAR WINTER OF SENIOR YEAR JULY OF YEAR OF ADMISSION TIME OF ACTIONNUMBER OF CANDIDATES Determine whether you meet the basic requirements Report as a Cadet Complete USMA Forms Start a File at West Point Apply for a Nomination Await evaluation and status Obtain nomination STEPS TO WEST POINT THE ADMISSIONS PROCESS Visit West Point Complete testing 13,000 5,000 2,500 1,150
USMA ADMISSIONS Step 5: Obtain a Nomination Nominations are due to West Point from each office no later than 31 January Make the best impression possible; be prepared for your interview Be aggressive in pursuing a nomination! Follow up on this – make sure you complete all requirements!
USMA ADMISSIONS SPRING OF JUNIOR YEAR WINTER OF SENIOR YEAR JULY OF YEAR OF ADMISSION TIME OF ACTION 13,000 5,000 2,500 1,150 NUMBER OF CANDIDATES Determine whether you meet the basic requirements Report as a Cadet Complete USMA Forms Start a File at West Point Apply for a Nomination Await evaluation and status Obtain nomination STEPS TO WEST POINT THE ADMISSIONS PROCESS Visit West Point Complete testing
USMA ADMISSIONS Step 6: Complete Testing ACT/SAT –West Point takes the highest subscores Qualifying Medical Exam –administered by DODMERB –conducted at an MTF or through contract Physical Aptitude Exam –pull-ups (men) / flexed-arm hang (women) –standing long jump –basketball throw –300 yd shuttle run –push-ups Practice the PAE!!
USMA ADMISSIONS Physical Aptitude Exam Men Pull - ups Standing Long Jump8’ 4” +7’ 9” Basketball Throw75’ +66’ 300 Yard Shuttle57.1 sec sec Push – ups7454 Top Quintile Score Average Passing Score
USMA ADMISSIONS Physical Aptitude Exam Women Flexed Arm Hang37 sec sec Standing Long Jump6’ 8” +6’2” Basketball Throw47’ +38’ 300 Yard Shuttle65 sec sec Push-ups4129 Top Quintile Score Average Passing Score
USMA ADMISSIONS SPRING OF JUNIOR YEAR WINTER OF SENIOR YEAR JULY OF YEAR OF ADMISSION TIME OF ACTION 13,000 5,000 2,500 1,150 NUMBER OF CANDIDATES Determine whether you meet the basic requirements Report as a Cadet Complete USMA Forms Start a File at West Point Apply for a Nomination Await evaluation and status Obtain nomination STEPS TO WEST POINT THE ADMISSIONS PROCESS Visit West Point Complete testing
USMA ADMISSIONS Step 7: Await Evaluation Files must be complete by the first Monday in March (first Monday in December for Early Action) West Point uses a “rolling” admissions process; the earlier your file is complete, the earlier you will be considered for qualification and selection Some Early Action offers of admission will be made in the fall, but the majority of offers are made in Jan-Feb-March
USMA ADMISSIONS SPRING OF JUNIOR YEAR WINTER OF SENIOR YEAR JULY OF YEAR OF ADMISSION TIME OF ACTION 13,000 5,000 2,500 1,150 NUMBER OF CANDIDATES Determine whether you meet the basic requirements Report as a Cadet Complete USMA Forms Start a File at West Point Apply for a Nomination Await evaluation and status Obtain nomination STEPS TO WEST POINT THE ADMISSIONS PROCESS Visit West Point Complete testing
USMA ADMISSIONS Step 8: Visit West Point Candidate Orientation Visits –available Monday through Friday during the academic year –Daily Visits: for students who are at least in their sophomore year of high school –Overnight Visits: for those who are competitive for an offer of admission Visits are cadet-escorted and offer a real “inside look” at the Academy
USMA ADMISSIONS SPRING OF JUNIOR YEAR WINTER OF SENIOR YEAR JULY OF YEAR OF ADMISSION TIME OF ACTION 13,000 5,000 2,500 1,150 NUMBER OF CANDIDATES Determine whether you meet the basic requirements Report as a Cadet Complete USMA Forms Start a File at West Point Apply for a Nomination Await evaluation and status Obtain nomination STEPS TO WEST POINT THE ADMISSIONS PROCESS Visit West Point Complete testing
USMA ADMISSIONS Step 9: Report as a Cadet Reception Day (“R-day”) for Class of 2006 is Monday, 2 July 2002 Come prepared –physically –mentally –emotionally We will provide you with lots of information –read it! –share it!
USMA ADMISSIONS Apply to all available nomination sources Early Consider the Early Action Plan Complete Candidate Kit-by the first Monday in December Take ACT and/or SAT multiple times Practice for the Physical Aptitude Exam (PAE) Prepare file carefully with emphasis on the Personal Statement Visit West Point Consider ROTC in addition to West Point Talk to people who have been there Make the Admissions Decision that is Right for YOU Admissions Strategy
USMA ADMISSIONS The The Reasons Reasons The The Reasons Reasons
USMA ADMISSIONS Reasons for Coming to USMA TYPICAL CLASS USMA Overall Reputation Desire to be an Army Officer Personal Self-Development Quality of Academic Program Leadership Training Athletics Economics Family Influences Physical Development Program Facilities % Men% Women
USMA ADMISSIONS 4-Year Graduation Rates USMA Classes 1990 to 2000 includes June and December graduates
USMA ADMISSIONS Some Final Thoughts In considering college, take a good look at West Point. Start a file at the end of your Junior Year and apply for nominations. Make an effort to learn all there is to know about West Point and the Army: –Read about West Point and the role of the officer in the Army. –View videos at Congressional Academy Nights and By-Invitation Meetings. –Discuss the opportunities and challenges with cadets and graduates. Seriously consider an offer of admission to West Point based on factual information about the Military Academy, the Army, selfless service as an officer, and yourself. Accept an offer of admission if: –what West Point has to offer seems to be a good match for your abilities and aspirations, and –you have the desire to give the Army your best effort as an officer leading soldiers. Do the same for the Army ROTC program at the civilian colleges to which you are applying.