S3/S4 Study Block EXAMS COUNT… (Can you afford not to try ???????????)
When studying…….. Make time work for you Develop useful study methods Handle your exams positively
Planning to study Prepare a revision timetable Identify those things that need to be done Decide which have to be done first Don’t give priority to the subjects you enjoy most Don’t put off those you least enjoy Be realistic in your time allocation for each activity Allow time for social activities
STUDY SKILLS Start revising 6-8 weeks before an exam Break revision down into regular sessions over the period Revision time over one week might be two hours daily and 4 hours on Saturday or Sunday Make a detailed timetable of what you need to study
STUDY SKILLS Don’t just think about it, write it down Organise your revision materials so that you will have everything to hand. Use past papers to get experience of the type of questions
SURROUNDINGS! Consider your surroundings Where can you concentrate and feel encouraged? Space to spread your work out? Good lighting? Good atmosphere? Experiment with what suits you best peace and quiet or background music
SURROUNDINGS! Organise where? Space at home Study area at school School library Public library
Revise regularly and it will become a habit 3 x 20 minute revision periods are more effective than 1 hour of revision Rewards – remember to enjoy your free block
Revision techniques Use something that works Divide study periods into small units Vary what you study in each block Vary what you do in each block-read, write, draw, speak
THINK ABOUT! What is compulsory? What is optional? What topics do you know? Are there gaps? As you revise condense notes Move on! Frequent breaks